
Hi 👋, I'm Alwaz

I'm a Full Stack developer, doing freelance.


Make your project SEO friendly with Next-Seo. Your mail has to be in the filter list to work with this demo app.

Here you can find live Preview of the app. © 2022


dev:next dev
build: next build
start: next start
lint: next lint

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  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Astro, Blockchain and and much more

  • 💬 Ask me about React js, Next js, node js, express js, Django, Fastapi, Next Auth, MongoDB, PostgreSql and blockchain (Solidity)

  • 📫 How to reach me E-mail


Connect with me:

alwazshahid alwazdev

Languages and Tools:

amplify appwrite aws azure babel bash blender css3 django docker express figma firebase flask framer gatsby git graphql heroku html5 illustrator javascript kubernetes linux mariadb mongodb mysql nextjs nginx nodejs postgresql postman python react reactnative redis redux selenium sqlite tailwind typescript xd