
Bycon - A Python Based Beacon API (beacon-project.io) implementation leveraging the Progenetix (progenetix.org) data model

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

License: CC0-1.0

Bycon - a Python-based environment for the Beacon v2 genomics API

The bycon project - at least at its current stage - is a mix of Progenetix (i.e. GA4GH object model derived, MongoDB implemented) - data management, and the implementation of middleware & server for the Beacon API.

In its current state the bycon package is undergoing a transition from resource specific to general use environment. There is still some entanglement between code and use case specific definitions (e.g. database definitions inside the distribution) though this is (early 2023) in a process of "disentanglement".

More Documentation

Documentation has been moved to bycon.progenetix.org. W/ the rapid code development it is recommended to keep following the Changes page.


The installation is documented on the website (and in the page's Markdown source here).

Since version 1.0.55 (2023-06-22) additional "services" may be installed from the byconaut repository.