
Erlang filesystem event watcher frontend for fswatch

Primary LanguageErlangISC LicenseISC


erlfsmon is a tiny (under 100 LOC) wrapper around fswatch used as port. It used to support more backends, see previous releases.

The application relies on fswatch present in $PATH.

The monitoring path is read from the application configuration (variable path). It defaults to ".".

Once the erlfsmon app is started you may use the simple API.

The Core

erlfsmon is an OTP application and uses gen_event to allow multiple subscribers. In case you do not want that, save the following to snippet simplefs.erl which is only 25 LoC. Test by running simplefs:run(".", ".", self()). You need erlsh for reasons. Otherwise, keep reading.


run(Path, Cwd, Receiver) ->
    Args = [os:find_executable("fswatch"),
            "--format=%p\t%f", "--event-flag-separator", ",", Path],
    erlang:open_port({spawn_executable, erlsh:fdlink_executable()},
                     [stream, exit_status, {line, 16384}, {args, Args}, {cd, Cwd}]),
    ?MODULE:loop([Path, Cwd, Receiver]).

loop([_, _, Receiver] = Args) ->
        {_Port, {data, {eol, Line}}} -> % noeols are ignored!
            [Path, Flags1] = string:tokens(Line, [$\t]),
            Flags2 = string:tokens(Flags1, [$,]),
            %% we trust fswatch enough to do list_to_atom
            Receiver ! {Path, [list_to_atom(F) || F <- Flags2]},
        {_Port, {exit_status, Status}} ->
            error_logger:error_msg("fswatch exited with ~p, restarting~n", [Status]),
            erlang:apply(?MODULE, run, Args);
        T ->
            error_logger:error_msg("unhandled message ~p~n", [T]),


$ rebar get-deps compile
$ ERL_LIBS=deps erl -pa ebin -eval 'ok = application:ensure_started(erlfsmon, permanent).'


Make self() receive events as messages, assuming ok = application:ensure_started(erlfsmon, permanent):

> erlfsmon:subscribe().
% Wait for events:
> flush(). 
Shell got {<0.47.0>,
Shell got {<0.47.0>,
Shell got {<0.47.0>,
Shell got {<0.47.0>,

Start a process that logs events using error_logger, assuming ok = application:ensure_started(erlfsmon, permanent):

> erlfsmon:start_logger().

=INFO REPORT==== 28-Aug-2013::19:36:26 ===
file_event: "/tank/proger/erlfsmon/src/4913" [closed,modified]

=INFO REPORT==== 28-Aug-2013::19:36:26 ===
file_event: "/tank/proger/erlfsmon/src/erlfsmon_fanotify.erl" [closed, modified]

=INFO REPORT==== 28-Aug-2013::19:36:28 ===
file_event: "/tank/proger/erlfsmon/ebin/erlfsmon_fanotify.bea#" [closed, modified]

Alternatively, you can use the start_link_subscribe/3 ignoring the erlfsmon OTP application by running:

> Backend = fswatch. % or even supply your own backend module
> GenEvent = my_erlfsmon_events. % a unique identifier for gen_event worker
> erlfsmon:start_link_subscribe("/path/to/directory", Backend, GenEvent).