
Send empty push notifications for offline queue messages in ejabberd

Primary LanguageErlangOtherNOASSERTION


mod_pushoff sends empty push notifications for messages in ejabberd's offline queue.

Supported backends:


  • Erlang/OTP 19 or higher
  • ejabberd 18.01


# Substitute ~ for the home directory of the user that runs ejabberd:
cd ~/.ejabberd-modules/sources/
git clone https://github.com/proger/mod_pushoff.git
# ejabberdctl should now list mod_pushoff as available:
ejabberdctl modules_available
# Compile and install mod_pushoff:
ejabberdctl module_install mod_pushoff


ejabberdctl module_upgrade mod_pushoff # same as uninstall + install

module_upgrade does not restart modules and thus leaves mod_pushoff stopped. Kick it manually inside ejabberdctl debug:

[catch gen_mod:start_module(Host, mod_pushoff) || Host <- ejabberd_config:get_myhosts()].

Operation Notes

% Are hooks installed? Look for mod_pushoff:
% What hosts to expect?
% What is the host configuration?
ejabberd_config:get_option({modules, <<"localhost">>}, fun(F) -> F end).
% Divert logs:
lager:trace_file("/tmp/mod_pushoff.log", [{module, mod_pushoff}], debug).
lager:trace_file("/tmp/mod_pushoff.log", [{module, mod_pushoff_apns}], debug).
% Tracing (install recon first from https://github.com/ferd/recon):
recon_trace:calls({mod_pushoff, on_offline_message, '_'}, 100),
recon_trace:calls({jiffy, encode, fun(_) -> return_trace() end}, 100).


  # mod_offline is a hard dependency
  mod_offline: {}
        type: mod_pushoff_apns # deprecated
        # make sure this pem file contains only one(!) certificate + key pair
        certfile: "/etc/ssl/private/apns_example_app.pem"
        gateway: "gateway.push.apple.com"
        type: mod_pushoff_apns_h2
        # you can add more backends of each type by specifying backend_ref with unique names
        backend_ref: "sandbox"
        # make sure this pem file contains only one(!) certificate + key pair
        certfile: "/etc/ssl/private/apns_example_app_sandbox.pem"
        gateway: "gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com"
        topic: "com.acme.your.app" # this should be your bundle id
        type: mod_pushoff_fcm
        gateway: "https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send"
        api_key: "API_KEY"
        type: mod_pushoff_fcm
        # you can add more backends of each type by specifying backend_ref with unique names
        backend_ref: "fcm2"
        gateway: "https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send"
        api_key: "API_KEY_2"

Client Applications

Clients can register for push notifications by sending XEP-0004 adhoc requests.

These are the available adhoc commands:

  • register-push-apns: register with APNS
  • register-push-apns-h2: register with APNS/h2
  • register-push-fcm: register with Firebase
  • list-push-registrations: request a list of all registrations
  • unregister-push: delete all user's registrations

Example (note, to='localhost' contain the your user's server name):

<iq type='set' to='localhost' id='randomrandomrequestid'>
  <command xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/commands'
    <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'>
      <field var='token'>

You need to specify a backend_ref field to route your subscription to a particular backend (this is always the case for mod_pushoff_apns_h2):

<iq type='set' to='localhost' id='randomrandomrequestid2'>
  <command xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/commands'
    <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'>
      <field var='backend_ref'>
      <field var='token'>

See client.py for a reference client.

You can use babababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababa (urq6urq6urq6urq6urq6urq6urq6urq6urq6urq6uro= in base64) token to test APNS. mod_pushoff does not send messages to devices registered using that token.


This module is based on mod_push.