
A Chef cookbook that allows the deployment of a AWS ElastiCache memcached instance and and EC2 instance configured with memcached as PHP session handler and PHPMemcachedAdmin installed.

Primary LanguageRuby

ElastiCache Cookbook

This is a simple cookbook to provision an ElastiCache memcached cluster via Chef Provisioning, using the AWS Driver.

The following recipes are included:

  • elasticache::networking: Provisions all resources needed to deploy a VPC isolated ElastiCache instance - VPC, Subnet, Security Group and ElastiCache Subnet Group.
  • elasticache::elasticache: Creates the memcached instance.
  • elasticache::instance: Provisions an Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance
  • elasticache::webserver: Configure an Apache + PHP node, sets up the memcached instance as PHP session handler, and installs the PHPMemcachedAdmin monitoring tool. enter image description here


  • awcli should be installed and configured with valid AWS credentials.

  • Tested with the following ChefDK version:

    $ chef --version
     Chef Development Kit Version: 3.5.13
     chef-client version: 14.7.17
     delivery version: master (6862f27aba89109a9630f0b6c6798efec56b4efe)
     berks version: 7.0.6
     kitchen version: 1.23.2
     inspec version: 3.0.52


To apply the cookbook, you should run it through chef-client in local-mode:

$ chef-client --listen -z -r 'recipe[elasticache]'

The elasticache::default file calls the recepies in the following order:

include_recipe 'elasticache::networking'
include_recipe 'elasticache::elasticache'
include_recipe 'elasticache::instance'

Despite required, a test kitchen run of this cookbook is not the most appropriade way of using chef-provisioning. Nevertheless, a configured .kitchen.yml file is providen with an encrypted data bag.

To clean up the provisioned AWS resources call:

$ chef-client --listen -z -r 'recipe[elasticache::destroy]'

The EC2 instance's public IP address will be displayed at the end of the process. You can access PHPMemcachedAdmin via the URL shown:

[node01] Starting Chef Client, version 14.8.12
         resolving cookbooks for run list: ["elasticache::webserver"]
         Synchronizing Cookbooks:
           - elasticache (0.1.0)
         Installing Cookbook Gems:
         Compiling Cookbooks...
         => Configuration done. <=
         Access PHPMemcachedAdmin via URL: http://ec2-3-85-214-81.compute-1.amazonaws.com/phpmemcachedadmin

The provisioning and deleting of the ElastiCache memcached instance usually takes a long time (~6 min), please do not cancel the resource creating/deleting processes.