
Code Coverage Debugging

Primary LanguagePython

Code Coverage Debugging

Warning: This is in development and is not ready to use.

Code coverage debugging is technique where every function call is recorded for two runs of a program, then compared.

This technique is useful for large software projects where passing and failing testcases are available but it's not obvious where to start debugging. Many bugs in Chromium end up being trivial one-line fixes where an engineer spends hours finding the bug but only a few minutes fixing it. Code coverage debugging can save time by methodologically narrowing in on suspect code.


First, ensure clang++ and llvm-profdata are available. See the Prerequisites section, below.

Then, build the program with Clang's source-based code coverage by passing -g, -fprofile-instr-generate, and -fcoverage-mapping to clang++:

clang++ -g -fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping program.cpp -o program

Then record code coverage when running the program which will output a coverage file (good.profraw):

python record.py -o good.profraw ./program good_args

Now record code coverage again but on a run of the program that contains a bug:

python record.py -o bug.profraw ./program bad_args

Finally, compare the two runs:

python compare.py good.profraw bug.profraw

functionB(...) call count difference: 3 != 0

The good input called functionB(...) but the bad input didn't, so there is likey a bug where functionB(...) is not getting called.

For more information, a simple walkthrough of this technique on real code is described in examples/brokenQuicksort.


clang++ and llvm-profdata need to be available on the PATH.

> which clang++ && echo "Pass: clang++ was found" || echo "Fail: clang++ not found"
Pass: clang++ was found

> which llvm-profdata && echo "Pass: llvm-profdata was found" || echo "Fail: llvm-profdata not found"
Pass: llvm-profdata was found

These commands should both print "Pass". If either prints "Fail", you will need to add the binary to your PATH.

On linux, release binaries can be downloaded from llvm.org and added to the PATH with PATH=$PATH:path/to/llvm/bin.

On MacOS, these can be downloaded by installing the XCode command line tools. Then run the following command to put the toolchain binaries on the PATH:

PATH=$PATH:`xcrun -f llvm-profdata | xargs dirname`