
SVG <use> implementation on ShadowDOM

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION


SVG <use> implementation built on ShadowDOM

At the moment this repo is just a public playground to see if this idea could work.


SVG2 spec: https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/single-page.html

ShadowDOM spec primer: http://www.w3.org/TR/components-intro/#shadow-dom-section


  1. Need to flesh out the event model as there will be differences from SVG's instance tree.

How to use xuse.js

I hope this will eventually be empty but we're early days and it's a massive pain in the ass right now.

  1. You will need a custom build of Chromium with AuthorShadowDOMForAnyElement enabled. Check out Chromium and edit RuntimeEnabledFeatures.in:

    Change: "AuthorShadowDOMForAnyElement" to: "AuthorShadowDOMForAnyElement status=stable"

    Change: "ShadowDOM status=experimental" to "ShadowDOM status=stable"

    Then build chrome and content_shell.

  2. Include xuse.js with <script src="xuse.js"></script>

  3. Change <use ...> instances to <g is="x-use" ...> (See crbug.com/330980)