- 1
Argument 1 passed to PHPStan\Analyser\MutatingScope::resolveName() must be an instance of PhpParser\Node\Name
#52 opened by lesha724 - 1
.env variables warnings
#53 opened by Julielesss - 7
Problem with relations
#25 opened by b1rdex - 2
Empty output
#33 opened by pappfer - 0
error with annotation `@return static[]`
#51 opened by lesha724 - 1
Prepare for PHPStan 1.0
#47 opened by ondrejmirtes - 5
Incorrect error with static::class
#31 opened by siamskoi - 5
- 3
Parameter #1 $condition of method yii\db\Query::where() expects array, string given.
#16 opened by EtienneBruines - 0
Incompatibility with latest PHPStan
#43 opened by EtienneBruines - 1
- 0
Use of undefined constant YII_DEBUG
#34 opened by MashaGorbunova - 1
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Yii' not found when running the analysis
#27 opened by senguttuvang - 4
- 0
Use generics to simplify extension
#26 opened by b1rdex - 5
Lack of support for phpstan 0.11.2
#14 opened by IvoPereira - 1
container -> singletons
#9 opened by Mike-Tranzit