
An anonymous board created by Django and Dropbox without any use of databases

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An anonymous board created by Django and Dropbox without any use of databases.

External Documentation:

Requirements to run locally:


System Dependencies:
  1. Install pip and vitualenv:
    sudo apt-get install -y virtualenv
    sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
  2. Create a virtual environment:
    virtualenv -p python3 ~/.virtualenvs/dropchan
  3. Activate dropchan virtual environment:
    source ~/.virtualenvs/dropchan/bin/activate
  4. Install requirements in the virtual environment:
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run the project:
    python manage.py runserver

Dropbox structure:

The system contains of 2 main models: Thread and Comment. Thread JSON model:

{id}: {
    "title": {title},
    "description": {description},
    "timestamp": {timestamp}
  • The threads info saved as a JSON file in: /threads.json.
  • If a thread has a cover image, it is saved on: /threads/{thread_id}/cover.png

Comment JSON model:

{id}: {
    "body": {body},
    "timestamp": {timestamp}
  • The threads info saved as a JSON file in: /threads/{thread_id}/comments.json.
  • If a thread has a cover image, it is saved on: /threads/{thread_id}/images/{comment_id}.png


Available settings:
Dropbox App token that will be used.
You will need to register a new app in the Dropbox App Console to get a token.

THREADS_JSON_PATH (='/threads.json')
Specifies the JSON file path that store the threads information.

THREAD_IMAGE_PATH (='/threads/{thread_id}/cover.png')
Specifies the path of the thread cover images.
{thread_id} replacement string must be a part of the provided string.

COMMENTS_JSON_PATH (='/threads/{thread_id}/comments.json')
Specifies the JSON file path that store the comments information.
{thread_id} replacement string must be a part of the provided string.

COMMENT_IMAGE_PATH (='/threads/{thread_id}/images/{comment_id}.png')
Specifies the path of the comment cover images.
{thread_id} and {comment_id} replacement strings must be a part of the provided string.
