
Hugo portfolio page theme with Bootstrap 5

Primary LanguageHTML

💥 My Hugo Portfolio Theme 💥

Netlify Status


I'm using Bootstrap5, FontAwesome and Hugo for my personal site which is live here.

I've created the theme itself primarily to build a boilerplate for a fresh Hugo site. By running

hugo new theme theme-name

it will construct a theme folder with basic layouts in place. It saves me a hair of time and a little brainpower to do it this way rather than creating those from scratch.

Some notes in no particular order below


I've modified the layouts as necessary for my site. I added a posts.html & podcasts.html to the /_default/ layouts in order for those list pages to render differently. I'll likely add another for projects.html after further tweaks.


I've got a very straightforward and minimal home page. In a previous iteration I'd built this with just HTML and CSS. This proved unnecessarily lengthy. Thanks to Hugo and some amatuer Go conditionals, I shrunk the index HTML to under 80 lines of code to display the first 3 posts, podcasts and projects and create Bootstrap cards for each.


There may be more eventually, but in the interest of keeping things as simple as possible from the outset, I've only used the stock footer.html, header.html, and head.html partials.


I'm only using the main config for a few things so far.

  1. The theme declaration
  2. The menu items for the navbar
  3. Some custom params like meta description, subtitle, Google Analytics tag ID, and some images

Bootstrap 5

I particularly wanted to use the latest iteration of Bootstrap, which at the time of this writing is 5. They chucked JQuery with this release, and with the exception of a small amount for some use cases, no Javascript is required anymore. Even with these improvements, Bootstrap is waaay overkill for what I am doing. However, it's also a quick to market way to get clean CSS. Bulma is another that I enjoy using for this same reason.


Very basic navbar from Bootstrap components here. And pulling the menu from the config.toml:

<div class="navbar-nav">
    {{range .Site.Menus.main}}
      <a class="nav-link fs-5" href="{{.URL}}">{{.Name}}</a>


I tried to pull a lot of info here from the config.toml. I'm using a cdn for animate.css just because I wanted a quick animation on the title.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/animate.css/4.1.1/animate.min.css"/>

Meta Descriptions

I wanted different descriptions for different pages, and the ability to tailor fit those to each individual post if need be. So I did this to allow for tailor-made individual page descriptions, and a fallback site-wide description if one didn't exist at the page level:

  <meta name="description"
    content="{{ if .Params.description}}{{.Params.description}}{{else if .Params.subtitle}}{{.Params.subtitle}} by Eamonn Cottrell{{else}}{{.Site.Params.Description}}{{end}}" />

Twitter && OG

Hugo has some built in templates that pull from the front-matter of posts, projects or podcasts. Or, it'll pull from the site [params] if there's nothing in the front matter.

  <!-- Twitter Card -->
  {{ template "_internal/opengraph.html" . }}
  <!-- OG tags -->
  {{ template "_internal/twitter_cards.html" . }}


I use realfavicongenerator. It's pretty straightforward, and provides easy to follow instructions. Making sure to link these correctly in the head is important.

Canonical Tag

I opted to create a canonical tag for every page by doing this in the head. This gives me the option to specify a canonical link in the front matter if necessary, and for it to simply be the {{.Permalink}} if not.

<!-- Canonical Tag -->
  <link rel="canonical" href="{{ if .Params.canonical }}{{.Params.canonical}}{{else}}{{.Permalink}}{{end}}">

Google Analytics

I snagged this little piece of code to use the ID from the config.toml:

{{ $gtag := print "https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=" .Site.Params.gtag }}


I simply did this:

{{ $title := print .Site.Title " | " .Title }}
{{ if .IsHome }}{{ $title = .Site.Title }}{{ end }}
<title>{{ $title }}</title>


I wanted my podcasts to have some different features since I needed to have the podcast players for the trailers and the episodes embedded. This is as simple as creating a /layouts/podcasts/single.html file which will override the /_default/single.html according to Hugo's lookup order.

This let me add

<iframe width="100%" height="390" frameborder="no" scrolling="no" seamless src="{{.Params.player}}"></iframe>

and then put the src for the player in the episode's Front Matter.


I've got a simple about page live now. I copied the html layout from my /_default/single.html for now and removed:

<a href="/{{.Section}}" class="">back to {{.Section}}</a>

I also added

layout: "about"

in the front matter to point it to the correct layout.

Future Updates

There are still things needed as I improve the site's functionality and my own knowledge of Hugo. Noteable next additions:

  1. Form submissions
  2. Tags for posts