
Installation on Ubuntu


  1. fork this repo

Scaffold the project in VSC

  1. make new directory for the project. After cd in the new directory
  2. python3 -m venv venv
  3. source venv/bin/activate
  4. git clone --branch <name_of_branch> <http:// github link>
  5. ls -la
  6. cd gsheets-with-frontend
  7. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  8. pip3 install -U django-gsheets-import

Google Sheets Template Preparation

Prepare the database

  1. python3 makemigrations
  2. python3 migrate
  3. python3 createsuperuser
  4. python3 loaddata authors works

Run the project

  1. python3 runserver <port ...8081, 8082....>
  2. go to localhost/admin
  3. If all is OK you can see the data imported from google sheet template

Now we go to scaffold Google Sheets template

Setting up a Google Cloud Project¶

  • create a Google Sheet - here is the example
  • Share and give editor rights to that account
  • go in GCC (Google Cloud Console)
  • go in Cloud Ovierview / Dashboard / Create New Project
  • Go in “Enable API Services” > Library and select the following API: Google Sheets API and Google Picker API
  • Go in “Enable API Services” > Credentials for official reference
  • Go in API > APIs and Services > Ouauth Consent Screen > External > Create: a) only App name, b) User support email and c) Developer contact information > Save and Continue
  • Go in “Enable API Services” > Credentials > Create Credentials > OAuth client ID > Application Type: Web Application > Name: Create > and after Authorised JavaScript origins for local testing http://localhost:8000 and after you can also add multiple relevant URIs here
  • Dowload JSON: here you can find Your Client ID and Your Client Secret
  • Note: Accessing the selected Google Sheet while only using the non-sensitive .../auth/drive.file scope requires the project’s App ID to be set. It is automatically created with each Google Cloud Project and can be found as Project number on your project’s dashboard or under the same name at Main Menu > IAM & Admin > Settings.
  • Go in Iam Admin > Create Service Account > Service Account Name > Create and Continue after Grant this Service ... > Select Role > Owner > Continue > Done
  • Copy the generated email
  • Now in Google Sheets Template that you have created > Sharing > paste the generated email

Back to the project

  • Only for testing (not in production) in file

The Browser API key; see "Key" under "APIs & Services" > "Credentials" > "API Keys"


The Client ID; see "Client ID" under "APIs & Services" > "Credentials" > "OAuth 2.0 Client IDs"


The App ID; see "Project Number" under "IAM & Admin" > "Settings"