
An Open Source E-Commerce Framework built on top of Laravel 5.

Primary LanguagePHP


Build Status Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

Lavender is an Open Source E-Commerce Framework built on top of Laravel 5.

Note: Lavender is in active development and NOT ready for production.


Lavender is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license


Please see lavender/docs.


Each major version (N.x.x) of the project is charted below. Once the goals have been completed for each major version we will move to the next major version. As we progress, big updates (breaking changes) are released in minor versions (x.N.x) and smaller updates (new features) are released in micro versions (x.x.N). The application (this repo) is built in minor versions, so a re-install is required between minor versions.

Version / Stage Goals
0.x.x - Development Current Create standard ecommerce entities and routes, as well as backend forms and grids. Create tests. Demonstrate use of stores and themes.
1.x.x - Developer Beta Coming Q2 2015 Feature development, ui improvements, documentation.
2.x.x - Preview Coming Q4 2015 Improve extensibility, performance/security audits.
3.x.x - Public Release Coming Q2 2016 Provide documentation for end users, create a marketing site to promote adoption.


Come chat with us in #lavender on freenode, or submit an new issue.


Lavender is in active development and pull requests are much appreciated!

This repository provides the consumer application which contains the controllers, models, and views (and config, locale, etc) that makes Lavender an ecommerce platform.

The lavender/framework repository contains framework enhancements for Laravel 5, including multiple authentication, a powerful Entity class, layout injection, and easily extensible multi-state forms.

Installation Instructions

Step 1: Install Lavender with Composer.

Avoid installing lavender in your web server's public directory. Instead create a symlink on lavender/public as your public root.

Run composer to create the lavender application:

composer create-project lavender-commerce/lavender

Set up your environment config file:


Step 2: Set up Lavender with Artisan.

Create the first round of migrations. This command reads the definitions in config/entity.php and compares it to your database.

php artisan migrate:entity

Run your newly created migration file:

php artisan migrate

Install lavender's dependencies (default store and theme):

php artisan db:seed --class=InstallLavender

Create an admin account:

php artisan make:admin

Step 3: (Optional) Seed catalog sample data!

php artisan db:seed --class=SampleData

That's it!


Login not working? Try modifying your sessions config:


Emails not working? Try modifying your email config:


Something else? Follow the install instructions carefully or submit an new issue!