
Primary LanguageShell

Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution.


  • DNS google:

  • $ cd ~/Downloads/

  • Extract file .tar.gz ( $ tar -xzvf file_name)

  • ll(folder er sob kicu dekaba)

  • sudo apt-get autoremove

  • sudo rm -rf /tmp/*

  • sudo apt-get update

  • sudo apt-get upgrade or sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

  • sudo apt-get source

  • sudo apt-get purge (remove)

  • sudo apt-get clean

  • sudo apt install nodejs npm

  • sudo apt remove nodejs npm

  • NVM:

  1. gitlink -cmd
  2. source ~/.bashrc
  3. nvm install <version-16.8.0> 4.nvm use change version
  • ctrl+alt+t >open terminal
  • ctrl+l > clear
  • ctrl+d > close terminal
  • Reading the Man Pages
  • $ man -k which
  • $ man 1 sol
  • Redirection Standard Output
  • $ cat
  • $ cat 1> output.txt
  • $ cat > output.txt (same upline)
  • $ cat 1>> output.txt (over right old txt still there)

Redirection Standard input + Standard Error

  • $ cat 2> error.txt
  • $ cat 2>> error.txt
  • $ cat 1>> output.txt 2>> error.txt
  • $ cat >> output.txt 2>>error.txt
  • $ cat > input.txt
  • $ cat < input.txt
  • $ cat 0< input.txt 1> hello.txt (other terminal open and run $ tty)
  • $ cat 0< input.txt > /dev/pts/1 communication two terminal


  • $ date 1> date.txt
  • $ cut < date.txt --delimiter " " --fields 1
  • $ date | cut --delimiter " " --fiels 1
  • $ date | cut > today.txt --delimiter " " --fields 1
  • $ date | cut --delimiter " " > today.txt --fields 1
  • $ date | cut --delimiter " " -fields 1 | command -options args
  • $ date | tee fulldate.txt | cut --delimiter=" " --field=1
  • $ date | tee fulldate.txt | cut --delimiter=" " --field=1 > today.txt
  • $ date | tee fulldate.txt | cut --delimiter=" " --field=1 | tee today.txt
  • $ date | xargs echo
  • $ date | xargs echo "hello"
  • $ date | cut --delimiter=" " --fields=1 | xargs echo

Navigating the file system

  • $ pwd
  • $ ls
  • $ ls -lh
  • $ cd ~/Downloads
  • $ cd Downloads
  • $ cd (back home)
  • $ ls -a (hidden file show)
  • $ cd . (refesh)
  • $ cd .. (back)
  • $ cd etc

Creating Files and Directories

  • $ touch files1
  • $ touch ~/Documents/distantfile
  • $ echo "hello" > hello.txt
  • $ mkdir -p new/thing/index
  • $ mkdir happy birthday (2 folder)
  • $ mkdir "happy birthday"
  • $ mkdir {jan,feb,mar,apr}_{2021,2022,2023,2024}
  • $ mkdir {jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec}_{2017..2022}/file{1..100}
  • $ touch file{A,B,C}.txt
  • $ touch file{F..v}.txt

Deleting Files and Folders

  • $ rm deleteme
  • $ touch Doucments/deleteme
  • $ rm Doucuments/deleteme
  • $ rm file1.txt Doucments/file2.txt Downloads/file3.txt
  • $ rm _.txt
  • $ rm file_
  • $ rm 2
  • $ rm -r delfolder/
  • $ rm -ri delfolder/
  • $ mkdir -p delfolder/folder{1..3}
  • $ touch delfolder/folder{1,2}/file{1..10}.txt
  • $ rmdir delfolder/_ (rmdir deleted empty directory)
  • $ rm -r project/

Copying Files and Folders

  • $ cp file1.txt file2.txt
  • $ cp file1.txt file2.txt destination/
  • $ cp destination/_ .
  • $ cp destination/_ ..
  • $ cp -r copy_me/ destination/ (folder copy)

Moving + Renaming Files and Folders

  • $ mv oldname.txt newname.txt
  • $ mv newfolder/_ .
  • $ mv file* newfolder/
  • $ mv newfolder/ ~/Documents/
  • $ mv ~/Documtns/newfolder/ ./jackpot (= home folder)

Editing Files using Nano

  • ctrl+o (save) then enter
  • ctrl+x (exit)
  • $ sudo nano /etc/nanorc
  • ^ = ctrl
  • M- = alt, esc or cmd (depending on your layout).
  • nano's configuration file is /etc/nanorc

The Locate command

.conf .log

  • $ locate *.conf
  • $ locate -i _.CONF (insensitive letter when use i)
  • $ locate -i --limit 3 _.conf
  • $ locate -S (inf database)
  • $ locate -S > ~/Desktop/database*before.txt
  • $ locate -e *.conf
  • $ locate --existing _.conf (same result)
  • $ locate --follow _.conf
  • $ locate --existing --follow -i --limit 5 _.conf
  • $ sudo updatedb
  • $ man updatedb

The Find command

  • $ find /home/mamun/Documents/
  • $ find . -maxdepth 1
  • $ find . -maxdepth 2
  • $ find . -maxdepth 4
  • $ find . -type f
  • $ find . -type d
  • $ find . -maxdepth 1 -type d
  • $ find . -name "5.txt"
  • $ find . -maxdepth 2 -name "_.txt"
  • $ find . -maxdepth 2 -name "file?.txt"
  • $ sudo find / -type f -size +100k | wc -l
  • $ mkdir haystack/folder{1..500}
  • $ touch haystack/folder{1..500}/file{1..100}
  • $ find haystack/ -type f -name "needle.txt"
  • $ find haystack/ -type f -name "needle.txt" -exec mv {} ~/Desktop ;

Viewing Files

  • $ cat file1.txt
  • $ cat file[1-5].txt | tac > reversed.txt
  • $ tac myfile.mp3 > myreversedfile.mp3
  • $ cat file[1-5].txt
  • $ cat file[1-5].txt | rev
  • $ cat file[1-5].txt | tac
  • $ sudo find / -maxdepth 5 -name "_.conf" -size +20k
  • $ cat /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf
  • $ tac index.txt
  • $ rev index.txt
  • $ cat index.txt
  • $ find | head -n 5
  • $ find | head -n 5 | tac
  • $ cat /etc/cups-browsed.conf | wc -l
  • $ head -n 20 /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf
  • $ tail -n 20 /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf (tail- bottom)

Sorting Data

  • $ sort index.txt
  • $ sort words.txt > sorted.txt
  • $ sort words.txt | tac
  • $ sort -r words.txt (r=reversed)
  • $ sort numbers.txt | less
  • $ sort -n number.txt | less
  • $ sort -nr number.txt | less
  • $ sort -u number0-9.txt | less
  • $ sort -u number0-9.txt
  • $ ls -l /etc | head -n 20 | sort -k 5n
  • $ ls -l /etc | head -n 20 | sort -k 5nr
  • $ ls -ln /etc | head -n 20 | sort -k 5nr
  • $ ls -lh /etc | head -n 20 | sort -k 5hr (human readable)

Searching File Content

  • $ grep e hello.txt
  • $ grep -ic a gadsby_manuscript.txt
  • $ grep -ic e gadsby_manuscript.txt
  • $ grep -i "our boys" gadsby_manusript.txt
  • $ wc -l gadsby_manuscript.txt
  • $ grep -v e gadsby_manuscript.txt (v= e letter bad a sob dekaba)
  • $ grep -cv e gadsby_manuscript.txt (cv letter count korba)
  • $ ls -lF / | grep root
  • $ ls -lF / | grep opt
  • $ ls -F /etc | grep -v / > files.txt
  • $ ls -F /etc | grep -v / | sort -r > files.txt
  • $ man -k print | grep files

File Archiving + Compression

  • $ ls -lh
  • $ tar -cvf ourarchive.tar file[1-3].txt
  • $ tar -tf ourarchive.tar (t-test what inside the archive file)
  • $ tar -xvf ourarchive.tar (extact)
  • $ gzip ourarchive.tar
  • $ gunzip ourarchive.tar.gz (undo gzip)
  • $ bzip2 ourarchive.tar
  • $ bunzip2 ourarchive.tar
  • $ zip ourthing.zip file1.txt file2.txt
  • $ unzip ourthing.zip
  • $ tar -cvzf ourarchive.tar.gz file[1-3].txt
  • $ tar -cvjf ourarchive.tar.bz2 file[1-3].txt
  • $ tar -xvzf ourarchive.tar.gz
  • $ tar -xvjf ourarchive.tar.bz2

Bash Scripts

$ nano our_script.sh #!/bin/bash

mdir ~/Desktop/magic cd ~/Desktop/magic touch file{1..100} ls -lh ~/Desktop/magic > ~/Desktop/magic.log $ bash our_script.sh (run) nano backup.sh #!/bin/bash

tar -czf ~/Desktop/backup.tar.gz ~/{Documents,Downloads,Desktop,Pictures,Videos} 2>/dev/null

bash backup.sh

  • chmod +x backup .bashrc PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin" Scheduling With Cron
  • $ crontab -e