
An MPD client written in Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlin

Klarkson: an MPD client written in Kotlin.


You need to get a Last.fm API key to get album covers. Currently this feature cannot be disabled, so the key is mandatory to run the client.

$ cd src/main/kotlin/
$ cp SettingsAndConstants.kt.template SettingsAndConstants.kt
$ edit the new file

Test coverage and TDD

…is not good. This was started 2 years ago without TDD ideology, therefore without good tests. I recently started to dig around and do the whole “add tests to a legacy codebase” routine. Fun stuff. Kotlin’s tools are a pleasure to use.

The tests won’t all pass at this time. This is because the code works as it was previously specified (by me) to work, but I improved the logic by which the core operations should work and I wrote some (failing) tests first.