
An autocrop script for Leica Q images for Darktable

Primary LanguageLua


Leica Q allows one to frame pictures in full 28 mm view, or crop in 35 mm or 50 mm equivalent. These crop instructions are stored in DNG files but Darktable as of now doesn't run them. This lua script will make the crops automatically, provided you create the crop styles yourself.

See instructions in the file header.


  • Darktable 3.6 with Lua support enabled.
  • Exiftool installed and available.
  • Two styles named precisely:
    • Leica Q: 35 mm
    • Leica Q: 50 mm
  • You may try your luck with the dtstyle files under styles/ directory.

Leica Q2?

Q2 and Q2 Monochrom produce larger resolution files and feature an extra crop mode, "75 mm". This script will probably work with Q2 and Q2M files out of the box when 35/50 crop modes are used. The 75mm crop mode will be ignored silently as for now. It is a simple modification of the script to include support for that. You can ask me for details and help.


This script will attempt to apply these styles to any file having the appropriate EXIF metadata, so it is not limited to Leica Q files. Importing some Q files to darktable you may get warning messages but nothing should break.