
Primary LanguageC++

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TODO: translate description from russian to english

This implementation is not production ready yet

Design and implementation of some of stl containers, smart pointers and algorithms without exception support. This library allows to write common code for environments with exceptions and for environments without exceptions. Therefore all operations which may perform in any modes are marked as noexcept.

Additionally this library provides extensions for containers and smart pointers for environments with exceptions. Such extensions allow programmer to initialize, fill and work with containers in an usual way (as stl analogues).


Here is simple use case:

nestl::vector<int> vec;
nestl::default_operation_error err;
vec.push_back_nothrow(err, 10);
if (err)
    // handle error somehow
    std::cerr << "error occured" << std::endl;

Для чего эта библиотека нужна

Как известно, в C++ исключения - это краеугольный камень, так как исключения позволяют использовать RAII и т.д. Но, с другой стороны, язык C++ является языком общего назначения, и кроме всего прочего, используется как язык для системного программирования, а в системном программирование отсутствие исключений скорее норма, нежели исключение.

Кроме этого, есть и другие области программирования, где использование исключение неоправданно, например, из-за производительности. Например, в ОС Windows бросание исключения требует перехода в режим ядра, и бросок исключения фактически начинается из ядра. Поэтому, бросание исключения может быть дорогой операцией.

Why stl is not suitable

Consider following example

std::vector<int> x;

Such code may not complie, or may not link or may crash in runtime when excetions are disabled. The main problem is how to know whether operation was succeed or not? Well, we can call method x.size() and check that it returns 1. But such approach may be very difficult and inconvenient:

std::vector<std::list<int>> m;

We should check vector and all elements in vector, because copying of std::list may fail too.

Alos implementation of std::vector assume that method allocator::allocate returns valid pointer (or throws exception). How allocator can handle situation when it cannot allocate memory? It can return nullptr - but we can break implementation of std::vector. Also allocator can invoke std::abort, but such approach is not user-friendly.

Therefore current implementation of standard library can be used in exceptionless environments until first error occurs. After that library cannot give us any guarantee.

Если переформулировать проблему, то в среде без исключений мы должны предоставить некие аналоги следующих механизмов:

  1. exception handling - explicit error codes handling
  2. Any constructor which may throw - two-phase initialization (default ctor + init(args))
  3. Any assignment operator which may throw - explicit copy method (for example vec.copy_nothrow(err, other_vec);)

Error handling strategy

В среде без исключений, так или иначе, мы будем проверять ошибки после выполнения каждой операции. В библиотеке используется подход, когда каждый метод или функция принимает по ссылке объект произвольного типа данных, который удовлетворяет концепции OperationError. Почему такой подход был принят? Во-первых, сразу видно из сигнатуры функции, что нужно произвести обработку ошибки после вызова. Во-вторых, отличии от возвращаемого значения, которое может быть проигнорировано в месте вызова, при таком подходе проще заметить отсутствие реакции на ошибку. Возврат ошибки с помощью return еще плох тем, что явно привязывает реализацию к какому-то конкретному типу ошибок (заметьте, что для исключений такой привязки нет). Можно сделать тип ошибки шаблонным параметром, но тогда при вызове придется указывать тип ошибки, что не удобно и излишне (TODO deduction guides).

TODO expected<T, E>.


Each nestl container provides _nothrow methods for each corresponding method in std container which may throw exception. Consider method std::vector::push_back(const T& value), corresponding method in nestl vector will be template void nestl::vector::push_back_nothrow(OperationError& error, const T& value) noexcept

Library modes

Library can work in two modes - when exceptions are enabled (has_exceptions) and when exceptions are disabled (no_exceptions). Programmer may check for particular mode using macro NESTL_HAS_EXCEPTIONS it`s value can be 1 and 0 respectively.

Additionally there is special type nestl::exception_support_t - when exceptions are enabled it`s equal to type std::true_type, and std::false_type in case when exceptions are disabled

Also there is helper template template <typename HasException, typename NoException> using dispatch = typename ::std::conditional<exception_support_t::value, HasExceptions, NoExceptions>::type This template allows to select implementation depending on exception support.

Library structure

We decouple containers, alocators and algorithms like STL does. Moreover we explicitly decouple error handling because client may have it`s own error handling mechanism.

Error handling

We should use error codes since we cannot throw and catch excptions in exceptionless environments.

Library provides OperationError concept - objects of types which satifies this concept can store some information about error. Client may check for error using explicit operator bool()

Library provides default_operation_error - it`s default error handling implementation for each mode.

Also programmer can provide its own operation error implementation. Such operation error type should provide operator bool or its analogue. This operator should return true in case when object contains error and false otherwise.

Кроме этого, библиотека требует наличия следующих функций: Additionally library requires following functions (they should be accessible via ADL lookup) build_length_error - function should initialize error (analogue of std::length_error exception) build_bad_alloc - function should ininitialize error (analogue of std::bad_alloc exception)

For environments with exception support library additionally requires following functions: from_exception_ptr - function should initialize error from std::exception_ptr object (should capture exception from exception_ptr somehow) from_exception - function should initialize error from arbitrary exception object (should capture exception). throw_exception - function should throw previously captured exception from given error obejct.


Library provides analogues of standard containers (vector, list, set, map)

Emulating of object copying and non-trivial initialization

Sometimes it is necessary to construct object with some non trivial initialization. For such cases library allows user to specialize type nestl::two_phase_initializator and provide static method init

namespace nestl
template <>
struct two_phase_initializator <MyType>
    template <typename OperationError, typename ... Args>
    static void init(OperationError& err, MyType& defaultConstructed, Args&& ... args) NESTL_NOEXCEPT_SPEC
        defaultConstructed.CustomInit(err, std::forward<Args>(args)...);

Implementation of method init may perform som non-trivial initialization of obejct. Note that client should not destroy defaultConstructed object in case of failure. Library will handle such situation and properly destroys object

How to build

Library is header-only. Library requires C++-11 compliant compiler and standard library.

How to use NESTL

How to run tests

Nestl needs following dependencies for running tests:

For configuring building and running nestl test suite one should perform following commands:

mkdir build
cd build
make test

Compilers supported

Library has been tested on following platforms and compilers:

Toolchain list

Platform Compiler
i386-linux-gnu G++-4.8.3
x86_64-linux-gnu clang++-3.4
i386-linux-gnu clang++-3.4
i386-linux-gnu clang++-3.5
i386-windows msvc-2013 *
i386-windows msvc-2015
i386-windows msvc-2017
i386-windows mingw32-G++-5.3.0

-- * msvc-2013 does not support noexcept specifier, therefore we emulate it using throw() in nestl implementation