
Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains a script hfx.py that quickly generates a subset of hydrofabric data from the CONUS pre-release GeoPackage.

This should not be used in place of hfsubset, unless you have a specific reason, or a local copy of the CONUS hydrofabric GeoPackage, as this queries directly on feature IDs.


Install the requirements with:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Then set permissions and run hfx.py:

$ chmod +x hfx.py
$ ./hfx.py -h
#> usage: hfx [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-c CONUS] [--debug] ID [ID ...]
#> positional arguments:
#>   ID                    Hydrofabric Identifiers
#>                         (i.e. cat-32, nex-85, wb-3813, cnx-391, ...)
#> options:
#>   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
#>   -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
#>                         Path to output GeoPackage
#>   -c CONUS, --conus CONUS
#>                         Path to local CONUS hydrofabric GeoPackage. If this
#>                         argument is not specified, then the filtering happens
#>                         via web requests.
#>   --debug
#>                         Output debug messages.

Note: it's recommended to download the CONUS GeoPackage and use this script on it instead of the web requests. Otherwise, its performance will be degraded.