program--'s Following
- AdaCoreParis, France - New York City, NY
- andrewrk@ziglang
- arashmodradLynker
- astral-shUnited States of America
- billsacksNCAR
- boettiger-labBerkeley, CA
- cdstanfordDavis, California, USA
- cloudnativegeo
- dcreager@astral-sh
- duckdblabsAmsterdam, The Netherlands
- foonathan@think-cell
- georust
- hannesDuckDB Labs
- HenrikBengtssonUCSF
- JackKelly@openclimatefix
- JimCollLynker
- JordanLaserGitLynker
- JoshCuThe Alabama Water Institute
- kentonv@cloudflare
- kokkos
- lcompilers
- lynker-spatial
- LynkerIntel
- martinfleisCharles University
- Maxxen
- mpark@facebook
- opentofu
- orlpPolars
- OvertureMaps
- PhilMiller
- posit-dev
- r-devel
- SacBaseNijmegen, NL
- twpayneZürich, Switzerland
- xboudsadyUniversity of California San Francisco
- ZacharyWills