
REST API with Symfony 4.4

Primary LanguagePHP

Symfony API

REST API with Symfony 4.4.

1. Before You Begin

Create an .env file:

$ cp .env.example .env

Build the Docker containers:

$ docker-compose up --build

Finally, don't forget to update the DATABASE_URL variable in your .env file accordingly with the MySQL container IP:


2. Update the Database Schema

$ docker exec -itu 1000:1000 symfony_api_php_fpm php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

3. Load the Fixtures

$ docker exec -itu 1000:1000 symfony_api_php_fpm php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

API Endpoints

Endpoint HTTP Verb Description
api/category/all GET Gets all categories
api/category/create POST Creates a category
api/category/delete/{id} DELETE Deletes a category by id
api/category/update/{id} PUT Updates a category
api/product/all GET Gets all products
api/product/create POST Creates a product
api/product/featured GET Gets the featured products
api/product/featured/{iso} GET Gets the featured products converted to the given currency in ISO format

Find out your PHP container IP and run the built-in Symfony web server on port 8000:

$ docker exec -itu 1000:1000 symfony_api_php_fpm php bin/console server:run


Get all categories:

$ curl http://172.18.02:8000/api/category/all

Create a category:

$ curl -X POST -i --data '{
    "name": "Foo",
    "slug": "foo",
    "description": "This is foo"

Delete a category:

$ curl -X DELETE

Update a category:

$ curl -X PUT -i --data '{
    "name": "Foobar",
    "slug": "foobar",
    "description": "This is foo updated"