
Full-stack app for learning purposes: React and Redux interacting with a Laravel API in a LEMP stack.

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a React app with Redux interacting with a Laravel API in a LEMP stack, a real-world full-stack example SPA.

  • ACL (access control list)
  • JWT authentication
  • CRUD implementation
  • Redux
  • Data-driven tests
  • Docker setup

Set up the Environment

Create an .env file:

$ cp .env.example .env

Bootstrap the development environment:

$ bash/dev/start.sh

Local Set up

To find out the IP of your warthog_nginx container:

$ echo $(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' warthog_nginx)

Then add the IP to your /etc/hosts file:      warthog.local

Open your favourite web browser and type https://warthog.local into the address bar.

Run the Tests

$ docker exec -it --user 1000:1000 warthog_php_fpm ./vendor/bin/phpunit


Figure 1. Homepage

Figure 2. Login page

Figure 3. Reviews page

Figure 4. Bob adding a restaurant


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