
Data-driven database design methodology. Also this application behaves as a host in order to develop and test Symfony 5 bundles.

Primary LanguagePHP


Data-driven database design methodology. Also this application behaves as a host in order to develop and test Symfony 5 bundles.

Set up the Environment

$ bash/dev/start.sh

Update the Database Schema

$ docker exec -itu 1000:1000 zebra_php_fpm php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
$ docker exec -itu 1000:1000 zebra_php_fpm php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate


$ docker exec -itu 1000:1000 zebra_php_fpm php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Load the Fixtures

$ docker exec -itu 1000:1000 zebra_php_fpm php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --group=zebra --group=easy-acl

Run the Tests

$ docker exec -it zebra_php_fpm php bin/phpunit


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