
a Machine Learning project about WLAN fingerprint localization using explicit threading and sciKitLearn.

Primary LanguagePython


How to create Py threads

Py threads are daemons (detached threads) unless the main programm doesn't wait for their completion.


The main class thread:

import threading

Creating and running a simple thread

Just create the callack and then define the object thread.

import threading

# the "thread function"
def quellochevuoi_threadfunction( ... your args ... ):
	# really, everything you want inside it

# define the thread
t = threading.Thread( 
	target = ...your thread function ... ,
	args = ... a tuple of args ... ,
	daemon = ... default True ... ,

To run a thread use .start(), and .join() to wait it until end.

# start the thread
t.start( )

# wait the thread until it doesn't end
t.join( )

Creating many threads -- simple way

see this example, and in particular take into account the function threading.append( ...Thread obj ... ). The example just runs up to 4 threads giving to each of them a different integer index:

import threading
import time

def my_thread( index, name ):
	print( "I'm thread no.", index, "; my name is ", name )

names = [ "arturo", "ermenegildo", "alfredo", "bernadette" ]
wait_time = 2

for i in range(1, 5):
	# create the thread number 'i'
	t = threading.Thread(
		target = my_thread,
		args = ( index, names[i] ),
		daemon = True # detached thread, exit when the program ends
	# append the thread 
	threading.append( t )
	# start the thread
	t.start( )

# wait until the end of the (universe) time
time.sleep( wait_time )

Return a value from a thread

just notice that .join( ) doesn't have a return value. If you want a return value the best way is to pass a reference to some memory location by argument. For instance, an object passed by reference make this work.