
MoneyMoney extension for Bondora

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


MoneyMoney extension for Bondora


Copy this extension to your MoneyMoney's extensions folder (default: ~/Library/Containers/com.moneymoney-app.retail/Data/Library/Application Support/MoneyMoney/Extensions).

Note: If you clone this project, the extension won't be signed and will only work if you're running a beta version of MoneyMoney and have disabled the checking of signatures (Preferences -> Extensions -> Untick check box).

You can find a signed version either on

Note: This extension will only work with MoneyMoney version 2.3.7 or newer.


Simply add a new account and select Bondora Account in the Others category. Enter your login credentials and you're good to go.

The extension will work for Bondora's Go & Grow, I haven't tested it for the other Bondora products.