
OMeta for Lua

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Here it is an implementation of OMeta language in Lua.

Table of Contents


Citing OMeta Homepage:

OMeta is a new object-oriented language for pattern matching. It is based on a variant of Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) which we have extended to handle arbitrary data types. OMeta's general-purpose pattern matching facilities provide a natural and convenient way for programmers to implement tokenizers, parsers, visitors, and tree transformers, all of which can be extended in interesting ways using familiar object-oriented mechanisms.

Most of the features of the original OMeta and in particular OMeta/JS implementation also apply to OMeta/Lua. Ph.D. dissertation of Alessandro Warth, author of OMeta is the best source of information in the subject.

If you want to better feel the ideas behind OMeta see this presentation. In large part, these are ideas that guide OMeta/Lua implementation also.


If you need more information about parsing and about Parsing Expression Grammars in particular I highly recommend great paper by Roberto Ierusalimschy A Text Pattern-Matching Tool based on Parsing Expression Grammars.

Why another PEG for Lua - there is great LPeg?

This project is a part of greater effort - to create an object-oriented platform for Computer-Aided Software Engineering. In brief: I need a very general parsing solution, modular, extensible, working on any type of input, etc. I know that most of this requirements are possible to fulfill with LPeg, but the workload would be similar and the level of control would be much worse. Moreover I already know OMeta/JS and JavaScript but my knowledge of C (needed for LPeg extending) is definitely insufficient.

One more reason for porting OMeta was its solution for the left recursion issue and memoization in general. Eventually, I want to develop a solution that will be usable by non-programmers (at least to read and understand), without worrying about issues in field of parser building. Therefore, PEG and especially OMeta seems like the perfect base.


OMeta is implemented in OMeta itself and works as an extension to Lua syntax. This means that any Grammar, including OMeta Grammar itself, must be compiled to plain Lua before usage. The project sources include both OMeta sources and compiled Lua sources. If you need to experiment, there is a build.lua package containing building scripts. Building OMeta sources uses the same process which is used to compile user Grammars.


Project requires Lua 5.1 or newer.


See changelog

Using OMeta/Lua

Compiled Grammar packages are normal Lua modules that can be required.

local ometa = require 'ometa'
local LuaGrammar = require 'lua52_grammar'
local luaAst = LuaGrammar.block:matchFile('some_lua_source.lua')
print(luaAst) -- prints text representation of abstract syntax tree

Following chapters bring subject of writing Grammars closer. If you need firstly to find out how to use predefined Grammars by means of provided API, jump to the chapter API.

Writing Grammars

OMeta/Lua extends Lua syntax with some new statements for defining Grammars and Rules and a new expression kind to interpolate strings which helps to translate abstract syntax trees and sources.

The next sections refer to this extensions and describe the syntax that should be used in order to properly write the user defined Grammars.


Grammar in OMeta/Lua is a kind of logical package containing the Rules (and perhaps other elements as plain Lua tables). The Grammar must have a name and it can only be defined as a statement.

-- local Grammar
local ometa NameOfLocalGrammar {...}
-- Grammar in a namespace
ometa SomePackage.SomeGrammar {...}

Grammars can be extended in natural way by the means of merging. Grammar class provides one predefined method (Grammar::merge) for merging rules, so you can build a derived Grammar from many base Grammars.

There is the syntax sugar for statically merge grammars:

ometa Grammar1 {...}
ometa Grammar2 {...}
ometa Grammar3 merges Grammar1, Grammar2 {...}

One thing you should be aware of is the name conflicts resolution - the Rule with conflicting name will not be merged.


The Rule in OMeta/Lua is a kind of classifier. The Rule is a named element introduced within the Grammar or individually as a statement.

ometa Grammar {
  rule1 = ...,
  rule2 = ...

rule Grammar:rule3() -- Lua method syntax is reused

The Rule body in OMeta (and in PEG in general) is an ordered Choice where every alternative is a Sequence of Nodes. Every Node has a dual result - a boolean indicator of success (pass or fail) and some value (it is similar to protected call interface in Lua). If the Node fails (first result is falsy) then whole alternative fails - a value (second result) does not matter. If all Nodes in the Sequence pass, the value (second result) of the last Node becomes the value of current alternative and the whole Choice (subsequent alternatives are not checked).

Hello World Grammar

A basic information on defining Rules can be summarized by the "Hello World" example - an elemental algebraic operations parser.

local ometa Calc merges require 'grammar_commons' {
  exp     = addexp,
  addexp  = addexp '+' mulexp
          | addexp '-' mulexp
          | mulexp
  mulexp  = mulexp '*' primexp
          | mulexp '/' primexp
          | primexp
  primexp = '(' exp ')'
          | numstr
  numstr  = '-'? digit+

Since this Grammar doesn't have any semantic action, it does not do very much. It is able to simply consume input stream as far as it is matching Rules.

Rule features

Below, there is an overview of the basic means used to build a Rule.

Syntax Notes

Rule structure:

a | b | c
a b c
a ( b | d ) c


an ordered Choice - a sequence of alternatives
a Sequence of Nodes (single alternative)
an ordered Choice embedded as a Node in another Sequence




And Predicate - to parse without input stream consuming
Not Predicate




optional (zero or one)
zero to many
one to many
min to many
min to max
repeat num times


( a | b c )
< a b c >
{ a b ; prop=c }


to group nodes and to create scope
returns an input stream consumed
an object - matches complex structures


"keyword", "(", ")"
5, 0xFF, -1.2e3
false, true


a sequence of characters (short form of 'a' 'b' 'c')
a string literal
number literals
boolean literals
a nil literal

Rule application:

list(exp, ",")


Anything - a single element of any kind
matches a named Rule number
an application with arguments
a foreign application (a foreign Rule in the current context)
an application with the transfer of the parsing context...
...to specified Grammar

Host Nodes:

[string.rep('.', n)]
[! print('hello')]
[? #str == 5]


Host Expression - always pass and returns a value
Host Statement - always pass without any value (nil)
Host Predicate - returns no value but can fail


{; prop:=string }
$^:exp / $result:exp


to bind a result of exp to the variable
to bind 10 (Host Expression) to the num
a binding combined with parsing property
a binding to the pseudo-variable, e.g.:
the result binding

Semantic Actions

The PEG's semantic actions in OMeta/Lua are generalized to the Host Nodes. A Host Node is included in a Rule body using square brackets ([]). A specific kind of the Host Node and its impact on the result of a whole Rule are determined by its content.

The current implementation provides three kinds of the Host Nodes:

  • Host Expression and Host Statement are corresponding to PEG's semantic actions,
  • Host Predicate is corresponding to semantic predicate.

Host Expression

The most important kind of the Host Node is the Host Expression denoted simply by square brackets containing single Lua expression (function call, calculation, literal, etc.). Examples:

['hello'] -- a string literal
a:[(1 + 20) * 2] -- Lua expression bound to a variable
[string.rep('.', a)] -- a function call

The Host Expressions always pass and return its value.

Host Statement

The Host Statement allows to execute an arbitrary Lua code (one or more statements) without a direct result (but maybe with side effects). From OMeta point of view, evaluation of the Host Statement always results in a success (pass) without any value (nil).

The Host Statement is marked with the exclamation mark at the beginning of a Node content:

[! print('hello')] -- a function call, the result doesn't matters (is ignored)
[! local v = 42; local s = tostring(v); error(s) ] -- there is no result but the side effect is "fatal"

Host Predicate

The Host Predicate is very similar to the Host Expression with only difference that a result of its evaluation determines a success of the Rule instead of a value of the result.

Everything what is truthy in Lua gives the Rule a pass and everything, what is falsy, gives the Rule a fail.

The Host predicate is marked with the question mark at the beginning. For example:

[? type($head) == 'string']
[? char:byte() == 32]
[? false] -- always fails

Pseudo variables

Lua code in the Host Nodes has access to some important values related to the input stream, its state, etc. Those values are available as hidden parameters in Lua functions implementing the Rule behavior. Although you can see these parameters in the compiled code, this is not recommended to use them directly as they are not part of the API and are subject to change.

Fortunately there are "pseudo variables" provided which allow to safely get (and sometimes to set) necessary values without the risk of producing difficult to maintain code:

Pseudo variable Reading Writing
$head / $.
a head of the input stream
is useful for testing without input consuming, e.g:
[? type($.) == 'string' and #($.) == 1]
not applicable
$result / $^
a result of the current Sequence
is available only if there is result binding, e.g.:
$^:. [? type($^) == 'string' and #($^) == 1]
the result binding - the arbitrary change of the result value
a position (index) of the input stream
an integer index or a name of the property (inside complex data) not applicable
the input - whole state
OMeta class instance
stores not only the input stream but also the current Grammar, etc.
not applicable
a state of the input stream
can be used to "rollback" - to get (to store):
...then to restore the state of the stream:
an underlying input stream source
a string, a file content, a table, etc. provided to the Rule not applicable


In OMeta you can bind a return value of any Node to a chosen name:

concatenate = "(" left:digit+ "," right:<digit+> ")" [left:concat() .. '/' .. right],
innerResult = "[" inner:(~"]" .)* "]"

Result binding

Traditionally, in OMeta a value of the last Node in a current Sequence becomes a value of the result of this Sequence. In OMeta/Lua this behavior can be changed by the result binding - binding to the result pseudo-variable ($^ or $result):

expInParens  = "(" $^:exp ")", -- instead of "(" res:exp ")" [res]
expsWithSemi = exps:($^:exp ";")* last:exp ";"? [exps:append(last)]

The result binding allows to arbitrary indicate which Node gives a result of the current Sequence.


The scope of a variable is lexical. For the Rule parameters this is a whole Rule body, but for the user defined variables the scope begins from a point of name binding and it lasts until (first of the below):

  • the end of the Rule body,
  • the end of scope designated by round brackets,
  • or the end of current ordered Choice alternative;
embedded = outer:(inner:applySomething [inner]) [outer],
alts     = v1:alt1 | v2:alt2 | v3:[v1 or v2] -- v1 and v2 are unbound here (out of their scope), so v3 is always nil

In OMeta/Lua variables can contain Rules and those Rules can be applied directly by a variable name:

higherOrderRule(what) = what+

Above the Rule applies another Rule (provided as an argument) one or more times. Such a behavior in combination with lexical scoping is associated with the thing you should note. Once a value is bound to the variable, this variable overrides any other Rule of the same name which could exist in the given context.

strangeRule = name:name name2:name -- bad idea

The above Rule will not work as you might expect - the first occurrence of the name application will work correctly, but result will be bound to the name and the second occurrence of the name application will fail (because there is no correct Rule under the name name, actually there is some string value).

Host Nodes & binding - Hello World - continued

It is the time for our Grammar update, so:

local ometa TableTreeCalc merges require'grammar_commons' {
  exp     = addexp,
  addexp  = l:addexp '+' r:mulexp   [{'+', l, r}] 
          | l:addexp '-' r:mulexp   [{'-', l, r}] 
          | mulexp
  mulexp  = l:mulexp '*' r:primexp  [{'*', l, r}] 
          | l:mulexp '/' r:primexp  [{'/', l, r}] 
          | primexp
  primexp = '(' $^:exp ')'
          | numstr
  numstr  = toNumber(<'-'? digit+>)
return TableTreeCalc

This Grammar is now able to build a simple parse tree (Lua tables hierarchy) from the expressions provided as strings, eg.:

local OMeta = require 'ometa'
local Calc = OMeta.doFile('calc.lpp') -- a name of a file containing the TableTreeCalc package
local tree = Calc.exp:matchString('2*(5+6)')


The Token is built in syntax construct in OMeta (denoted by quotation marks - "), however its semantics is not determined in advance.

Lua and OMeta Grammars in OMeta implementation use the Tokens to conveniently parse the Keywords and the Special characters in language syntaxes (see lua_grammar.lpp, lua52_grammar.lpp - new keywords in Lua 5.2, ometa_grammar.lpp). The Token firstly skips any number of white-spaces, then tries to match the sequence of characters that was passed to it as an argument.

If you want to use the Tokens the same way in your language Grammar, then simply merge the GrammarCommons package and provide sets of Keywords and Special characters from your language. After that, you can simply use the Token syntax in the Rules:

local ometa SomeLanguage merges require 'grammar_commons' {
  -- definition of Tokens
  keyword = 'fn' | 'ret', -- only string literals
  special = [[=>]] | '(' | ')' | '{' | '}' | ',', -- single characters and sequences ([[...]])
  -- following Rules use defined Tokens
  stat    = "fn" name "(" list(name, ",") ")" "=>" exp -- "arrow" fn
          | "fn" name "(" list(name, ",") ")" "{"
              ... -- grammar of fn body
              "ret" exp
          | ...
  exp     = ...

The definition of a Token in GrammarCommons automatically takes into account all literals defined by the keyword and special Rules. The only thing you should note is the kind of literals in that Rules: the keyword accepts only string literals, however, special accepts string literals for single characters only and sequences of characters (directly or in double square brackets: '=' '>' == [[=>]]) other times. It results from the way the Token works internally.

Parametrized Rules

The Rules in OMeta can have parameters. The Rule declares formal parameters and the Rule application may provide actual arguments values. One important thing to know is, how OMeta treats extra arguments not declared as formal parameters. Any such argument is prepended to the input stream, so the Rule has access to its value.


ometa Spec {
  somecode = chars(5) '-' chars(5) '-' chars(10),
  chars  = char/number -- repeat char number of times

The Rule chars is applied three times with the number of characters to parse. But there is no suitable formal parameter in the Rule chars. Instead of, the Rule uses predefined Rule number to match Lua number prepended to the input stream by the preceding Rule application. The same effect can be achieved directly by changing definition to: chars(num) = char/[num].

Higher-order Rules

A specific case of parametrized Rule is higher-order Rule - the Rule that accepts other Rules (actually any kind of OMeta expressions) as parameters.

Here is a simple example of such kind of Rule - a predefined Rule list:

list(pattern, delim, minimum?)


  • a pattern is any kind of OMeta pattern,
  • a delim - the same as above,
  • a minimum - the Host Expression - a minimum number of elements in a matched list (default 0).

For example:

list(exp, ',') -- any number of 'exp's separated by commas (as a single char) - it is not the same as...
list(exp, ",") -- ...where commas are tokens;
list(number | boolean | string, ";" | ",", [num or 1]) -- matches at least 'num' (or 1 if 'num' is "falsy") primitive Lua values delimited by semicolons or commas;
list(list(<(~(','|'\n') .)*>, ','), '\n') -- "one-liner" for parsing multi-line comma-separated values (returns two-dimensional array);
list(.,.) -- even such an expression is valid - any number of anything separated by anything;

A higher order Rule may be user defined, e.g.:

ometa G {
  triple(what) = what what what,
  useTriple    = triple(triple(char)) --matches 9 (3*3) chars

Foreign Rules

A Parsing always progress in the context of some provided Grammar. The Rule is searched by a name in namespace designated by this Grammar. If you need to apply a Rule from other Grammar, just use qualified name:

Commons.number - to apply a Rule number from the Grammar Commons

Such an application allows to use a single foreign Rule without merging it directly or switching to another Grammar. But sometimes there is a need to interweave two or more Grammars with free context switching. This is a common situation in the language embedding case, such as OMeta in Lua and Lua in OMeta:

ometa LuaInOmetaGrammar {
  primexp       = "[" @OMetaInLuaGrammar.exp "]"

In this case, there is a context switch and everything between square brackets is parsed in context of other Grammar than outside brackets (LuaInOmetaGrammar <--> OMetaInLuaGrammar).

There is an example Grammar which illustrates all possible cases of the context setting.

Parsing complex data

The important OMeta feature is an ability to parse any kind of input.

The current implementation of OMeta/Lua provides construct to parse Lua tables, including free access to array part and map part (the named properties). To parse a table in the input stream (the head element) use curly brackets ({ }). The open bracket denotes a table in the input stream and parser context switch to the content of this table. The closing bracket denotes the end of the table parsing and a switch of context back to the "main" stream. Switching can be embedded (the embedded Lua tables) and the parsing table content (the array part) does not vary from parsing input as a whole.

parseArray = { number* }

The above rule parses a table containing any number of Lua numbers in its array part.

The important thing in the parsing tables is that, the array part behaves the same way as the complete input stream - it is parsed completely. Closing curly bracket (or semicolon if there is a map part also) must match the EOS (the end of stream which is the end of array in this case - nothing else to consume).

Things become slightly different in the case of parsing named properties:

parseTable = { number* ; kind=string, length=number }

The above rule parses any number of Lua numbers in the array part of table again. Then it expects the EOS (the end of array part). Next, it freely switches between indicated properties (by name): kind, which must be a string value and a length of number value.

In the case of parsing map part of a table, there is no expectation of a number of properties in a table. There may be many properties in a table but at least all indicated by the Rule must be present. This approach allows an easy parsing of different "objects" implemented as the Lua tables.

The last unique thing related to table parsing is a shorthand for combined property parsing and binding:

parseAndBind = { .* ; kind:=string, length:=number }

This form automatically binds a result value to the same name as a property name. In the other words: length:=number has the same effect as length=length:number.

Mixed streams - Hello World - continued 2

If OMeta parses input of any kind, why not try to parse a stream comprising mixed content, for example string fragments interwoven with already parsed trees and other "objects"?

OMeta/Lua uses internally such a mixed streams to translate abstract syntax trees (OMeta AST into Lua AST).

To give a taste of what mixed streams can be, let's return to our Calc Grammar example. Assume that we already have some expression parsed:

local exp = {'*', 2, {'+', 5, 6}}

...and we need to use this intermediate result in parsing greater expression. If we did this "traditionally", we would need to translate exp back to the text form, would concatenate it to other string and would reparse whole expression. But with OMeta we can do this better.

Firstly, for convenience reason we need to rewrite our Grammar to use something more object-oriented. This is not necessary at all, but this will be helpful.

local Types = require'types'
local class, Any, Array = Types.class, Types.Any, Types.Array
local OMeta = require'ometa' 

local BinOp = class {name = 'BinOp', super = {Any}} -- our new AST node type

local ometa OpTreeCalc merges require'grammar_commons' {
  exp       = addexp,
  addexp    = l:addexp "+" r:mulexp       [BinOp {operator = 'add', left = l, right = r}] 
            | l:addexp "-" r:mulexp       [BinOp {operator = 'sub', left = l, right = r}] 
            | mulexp
  mulexp    = l:mulexp "*" r:primexp      [BinOp {operator = 'mul', left = l, right = r}] 
            | l:mulexp "/" r:primexp      [BinOp {operator = 'div', left = l, right = r}] 
            | primexp
  primexp   = "(" $^:exp ")"
            | numstr
  numstr    = ws* toNumber(<"-"? digit+>),
  special   = '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' 
            | '(' | ')' 

BTW the Grammar uses the Tokens now, so white-space management is improved.

Next, let's write a new derived (by means of merge) Grammar for parsing mixed content:

local Aux = require 'auxiliary'

local ometa MixedOTCalc merges OpTreeCalc {
  primexp   = BinOp
            | OpTreeCalc.primexp  -- "super" apply
  numstr    = number 
            | OpTreeCalc.numstr  -- "super" apply
  eval      = opr:&BinOp                  Aux.apply([opr.operator], unknown)
            | number
            | any:.                       [? error('unexpected expression: ' .. tostring(any))]
  add       = {; left:=eval, right:=eval} [! print('+', left, right)] [left + right],
  sub       = {; left:=eval, right:=eval} [! print('-', left, right)] [left - right],
  mul       = {; left:=eval, right:=eval} [! print('*', left, right)] [left * right],
  div       = {; left:=eval, right:=eval} [! print('/', left, right)] [left / right],
  unknown   = {; operator:=.}             [? error('unexpected operator: ' .. operator)]

MixedOTCalc.BinOp = BinOp
return MixedOTCalc

The above Grammar is able to accept not only string expressions and digit sequences (by "inheriting" and extending OpTreeCalc.primexp and OpTreeCalc.numstr) but BinOp AST nodes and number Lua numbers, too.

Additionally, the Rule eval accepts parsed expressions (the AST nodes), applies an appropriate Rule to evaluate calculation and returns a result. So, our solution begins to do "something".

We can try our Grammar:

local MixedCalc = OMeta.doFile('calc.lpp')
local BinOp = MixedCalc.BinOp

-- exp has intermediate result - already parsed expression
local exp = BinOp {operator='mul', left=2, right=BinOp {operator='add', left=5, right=6}}
local ast = MixedCalc.exp:matchMixed('2 * (', exp, ' - 1)')

-- we can print string representation of AST - feature of OMeta types
    ╦ <self> : BinOp@1 (#0:3)
    ├─╦ right : BinOp@2 (#0:3)
    │ ├─═ right : number = 1
    │ ├─╦ left : BinOp@3 (#0:3)
    │ │ ├─╦ right : BinOp@4 (#0:3)
    │ │ │ ├─═ right : number = 6
    │ │ │ ├─═ left : number = 5
    │ │ │ └─═ operator : string = add
    │ │ ├─═ left : number = 2
    │ │ └─═ operator : string = mul
    │ └─═ operator : string = sub
    ├─═ left : number = 2
    └─═ operator : string = mul

-- let's evaluate parsed tree
print(MixedCalc.eval:matchMixed(ast)) -- 42

Other extensions to Lua syntax

Currently there is one more extension to Lua syntax provided. Moreover, the architecture of OMeta/Lua is deliberately opened to future extensions.

String interpolation

This extension extends Lua expressions with a new form of string notation `string`, where a sequence of characters is delimited by backticks (`).

That string can contain embedded Lua expressions, eg.:

local interpolated = `hello ${'World'}`
interpolated = `${interpolated}!!!`

The embedded expression can be a string interpolation itself:

str = `${`${`str`}`}`

Function call with interpolated string

When a string interpolation is used as the only argument to a function call / method send, the function receives sequence of "slices" of the string interwoven with (results of) the expressions. This means that:

fn`string ${var} string ${othervar} string` == fn([[string ]], var, [[ string ]], othervar, [[ string]])

As you see, the string slices are translated to Lua "long strings" delimited by double square brackets. This allows to write multi-line interpolated strings.

This feature is massively used in OMeta implementation everywhere something is translated:

  • see lua_ast2source.lpp - Lua AST to Lua source translator depending on simple strings interpolations;
  • see ometa_ast2lua_ast_*.lpp - any of OMeta AST to Lua AST translators, where complex interpolated expressions are used, eg.:
return exp`OMeta.Rule {
    behavior = function(${self.arguments:prepend(Name {'input'})})
    arity = ${RealLiteral {arity}},
    grammar = ${ns},
    name = ${index};

Above, there is an example of "AST interpolation" - an interpolated string is used to build the input stream consisting of heterogeneous elements: string slices, OMeta class instances, Lua tables. Such a stream is directed (by function call to exp) to parser accepting mixed content (see Rule::matchMixed and OMeta::forMixed). What is a key is that the Rule returns the AST assembled from parsed string slices and "objects" (not string).

Interpolation - Hello World - continued 3

Eventually, let's try to utilize string interpolation to improve our Hello World, the Grammar and parsing of mixed input.

If you decide to compile your source files before usage, you can do something like this:

-- some helper functions
local Calc = OMeta.doFile('calc.lpp')
local calc = function(...)
  return Calc.exp:matchMixed(...)
local eval = function(...)
  return Calc.eval:matchMixed(...)

local subexp = calc `2 * (5 + 6)`
local ast = calc `2 * (${subexp} - 1)`
    ╦ <self> : MulOp@1 (#0:2)
    ├─╦ right : SubOp@2 (#0:2)
    │ ├─═ right : number = 1
    │ └─╦ left : MulOp@3 (#0:2)
    │   ├─╦ right : AddOp@4 (#0:2)
    │   │ ├─═ right : number = 6
    │   │ └─═ left : number = 5
    │   └─═ left : number = 2
    └─═ left : number = 2

print(eval(ast)) -- 42

(But remember, above source must be compiled to plain Lua source before you can execute it - try for example OMeta.doString([[...]]))

Above expressions looking as innocent string concatenations work in fact on the underlying objects. Let's try to change our intermediate subexp value and see what happens.

subexp.left = calc `20 / 5`
    ╦ <self> : MulOp@1 (#0:2)
    ├─╦ right : SubOp@2 (#0:2)
    │ ├─═ right : number = 1
    │ └─╦ left : MulOp@3 (#0:2)
    │   ├─╦ right : AddOp@4 (#0:2)
    │   │ ├─═ right : number = 6
    │   │ └─═ left : number = 5
    │   └─╦ left : DivOp@5 (#0:2)
    │     ├─═ right : number = 5
    │     └─═ left : number = 20
    └─═ left : number = 2

print(eval(ast)) -- 86

By the source object modification we affect the entire resulting tree.



local OMeta = require 'ometa'

static OMeta::use(grammar : Grammar) : OMeta

It is a class (static) method. It accepts the Grammar package and returns an instance of OMeta used as parsing context, e.g.:

local LuaGrammar = require'lua_grammar'
local luaCtx = OMeta.use(LuaGrammar)
luaCtx:forString('local mess = "hello" return mess')
local luaAst = luaCtx:match(LuaGrammar.block)
    ╦ <self> : Chunk@1 (#0:1)
    └─╦ statements : Array@2 (#2:0)
      ├─╦ 1 : Set@3 (#0:3)
      │ ├─═ isLocal : boolean = true
      │ ├─╦ names : Array@4 (#1:0)
      │ │ └─╦ 1 : Name@5 (#1:0)
      │ │   └─═ 1 : string = mess
      │ └─╦ expressions : Array@6 (#1:0)
      │   └─╦ 1 : StringLiteral@7 (#1:2)
      │     ├─═ 1 : string = hello
      │     ├─═ rdelim : string = "
      │     └─═ ldelim : string = "
      └─╦ 2 : Return@8 (#0:1)
        └─╦ expressions : Array@9 (#1:0)
          └─╦ 1 : Get@10 (#0:1)
            └─╦ name : Name@11 (#1:0)
              └─═ 1 : string = mess

static OMeta::doFile(path : string, translator : string [0..1]) : Grammar

Class (static) method. Load, parse, translate, generate and evaluate Lua source for OMeta source file. For example:

local calc = OMeta.doFile('calc.lpp')
local result = calc.add:matchString('5+6')

An optional parameter translator can be used to change the default translation of OMeta AST into Lua AST.

static OMeta::doString(str : string, translator : string [0..1]) : Grammar

Class (static) method. The same as doFile but it accepts source string directly.

OMeta::apply(ruleImpl : Rule|function|Any|boolean|string|number) : boolean, any
OMeta::applyWithArgs(ruleImpl : Rule|function|Any, ...) : boolean, any
OMeta::applyForeign(target : Grammar, ruleImpl : Rule|function|Any|boolean|string|number) : boolean, any
OMeta::applyForeignWithArgs(target : Grammar, ruleImpl : Rule|function|Any, ...) : boolean, any

Methods accepting the Rule to apply, optionally the target Grammar that would be used as context (...Foreign...) and possibly some additional arguments (...WithArgs).

Note that, besides the context Grammar OMeta instance must have the input stream properly set (see below methods for...).

The Rule implementation provided as an argument ruleImpl can be one of following:

  • the Rule class instance - an instance of standard OMeta/Lua type (OMeta::Rule), such as an effect of compiling OMeta source Grammar;
  • the Lua function fulfilling the Rule::behavior API;
  • the type specializing OMeta/Lua base type Types::Any. In this case, instead of the Rule application, a behavior consists of a type inclusion test - the input stream head is tested against the provided type (in pseudocode: head instaneOf type);
  • (in the case of apply and applyForeign) primitive Lua value (boolean, string or number). In this case, the Rule exactly from current context is used - by default it means that stream head must be (exactly) equal to applied value.

As a result, methods return two values - a boolean indicator of success and a value returned by the Rule behavior (Lua function) of any type (possibly nil).

OMeta::next() : boolean, any
OMeta::collect(count : number) : boolean, any

This consumes and returns (as second return parameter) 1 or a count elements from the input stream. If there are too few elements, it returns a false as the first return parameter (fails).

OMeta::match(ruleImpl : Rule|function|Any, ...) : any

It is a wrapper for the apply... methods, where an appropriate target method is automatically chosen depending on a number of the arguments.

There is only one return parameter. If the application fails, the method simply returns nothing but additionally prints some error messages on the output.

OMeta::forString(str : string) : OMeta
OMeta::forTable(tab : table) : OMeta
OMeta::forMixed(...) : OMeta
OMeta::forFile(path : string, binary : boolean [0..1] = false) : OMeta

Above methods are for setting the input stream in OMeta instance. All of them return self.

The forMixed method accepts any number of elements of any type and builds the input stream from this sequence.

The forFile method accepts additional argument binary, which is switching the input stream into binary mode. In this mode the elements of the stream are bytes instead of characters. Some Grammars strictly depend on this mode (see example PNG Grammar).

Stream API


Grammar API

Grammar::merge(source : Grammar) : Grammar

This merges Rules in the source Grammar into self Grammar. This is a "physical" process not a virtual - any Rule in the source is cloned to the "target".

The method returns self.

Rule API

Rule::behavior(input : OMeta, ...) : boolean, any

The Rule behavior accepts the input parameter (OMeta instance) providing a runtime state of parsing (current Grammar, the input Stream state) and returns two parameters: a boolean success indicator and a Rule result value of any type. There can be any number of additional in parameters.

Rule::matchString(str : string) : any
Rule::matchTable(tab : table) : any
Rule::matchMixed(...) : any
Rule::matchFile(path : string, binary : boolean [0..1] = false) : any

The methods above accept some kind of the input and return a result of the Rule application to this input. Every method corresponds to OMeta method for....

Methods return only one value - the result of the Rule application if the Rule passed or nil (and possibly some error messages) if the Rule failed.


This project is licensed under the MIT License


  • Alessandro Warth for inspirations
  • my girlfriend for sponsorship :)