Text::LTSV::Liner - Line filter of LTSV text
use Text::LTSV::Liner;
my $liner = Text::LTSV::Liner->new( key => \@keys );
while(<>) {
Labeled Tab-separated Values (LTSV) format is a variant of Tab-separated Values (TSV). (cf: http://ltsv.org/) This module simply filters text whose format is LTSV by specified keys.
Constructor. You can specify some options to filter lines.
You can choose keys as array reference which you want to see in filtered output.
If you prefer no-colorized output, specify this option.
If you don't need to see keys in the output, specify this option. Then you'll see values only in the output.
Process lines and print output to STDOUT.
my $liner = Text::LTSV::Liner->new( key => \@keys );
for my $line (@lines) {
my $parsed = $liner->parse($line);
This method is convinent if you want to use the filtered output in your codes.
IKEDA Kiyoshi yasutake.kiyoshi@gmail.com
Copyright (C) 2013-2017 IKEDA Kiyoshi.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. That means either (a) the GNU General Public License or (b) the Artistic License.