Ruby Version 1.9.3p194
$ruby ccard_validation.rb testfile.log
$ruby ccard_validation.rb


# Checking Credit Cards

## Introduction

Develop an application using Ruby that solves the problem described below. The aim of the problem is to allow the candidate to *demonstrate their skill and experience* in aspects of the development process including domain modelling, object orientated design, use of language constructs and idioms and testing (unit or otherwise).

There is provided sample data to be used for testing and the candidate should be able to demonstrate their solution using the supplied data in the form of a command line interface and or unit test.

The resulting solution should be returned by email 2 days before your interview. You will be required to talk through your solution at the interview.

## Problem

Before submitting a credit card to a payment gateway it's important that we run some sanity checks on the number.

A common check that is performed upfront is to validate the card type based on the starting digits and length of card number. The main patterns that we care about are as follows:

    | Card Type  | Begins With | Number Length |
    | AMEX       | 34 or 37    | 15            |    ^3(4|7)\d{13}$
    | Discover   | 6011        | 16            |    ^(6011)\d{12}$
    | MasterCard | 51-55       | 16            |    ^5[1-5]\d{14}$
    | Visa       | 4           | 13 or 16      |    ^4(\d{12}|\d{15})$

All of these card types also generate numbers such that they can be validated by the Luhn algorithm, so that's the second check systems usually try. The steps are:

1. Starting with the next to last digit and continuing with every other digit going back to the beginning of the card, double the digit
2.  Sum all doubled and untouched digits in the number. For digits greater than 9 you will need to split them and sum the independently (i.e. <code>"10", 1 + 0</code>).
3. If that total is a multiple of 10, the number is valid.

For example, given the card number <code>4408 0412 3456 7893</code>:

    1 8 4 0 8 0 4 2 2 6 4 10 6 14 8 18 3
    2 8+4+0+8+0+4+2+2+6+4+1+0+6+1+4+8+1+8+3 = 70
    3 70 % 10 == 0

Thus that card is valid.

Let's try one more, <code>4417 1234 5678 9112</code>:

    1 8 4 2 7 2 2 6 4 10 6 14 8 18 1 2 2
    2 8+4+2+7+2+2+6+4+1+0+6+1+4+8+1+8+1+2+2 = 69
    3 69 % 10 != 0

This card is not valid.

## Task

Your task is to write a ruby program that accepts credit card numbers. Card numbers must be passed in line by line (one set of numbers per line). The program should print the card in the following format <code>"TYPE: NUMBERS (VALIDITY)"</code>.

## Input and Output

Given the following credit cards:

5105 1051 0510 5106

I would expect the following output:

    VISA: 4111111111111111       (valid)
    VISA: 4111111111111          (invalid)
    VISA: 4012888888881881       (valid)
    AMEX: 378282246310005        (valid)
    Discover: 6011111111111117   (valid)
    MasterCard: 5105105105105100 (valid)
    MasterCard: 5105105105105106 (invalid)
    Unknown: 9111111111111111    (invalid)