
🎙 📡 A free radio station on node js with a simple setup and the ability to conduct live broadcasts on the site

Primary LanguageJavaScript


README is available in the following languages: Russian | English

Radio Launcher

radio-launcher - radio-station client.

Why ?

I decided that I wanted to be a radio host, but I had no particular desire to understand the existing software and I created my own software, maybe someday it will become a standard, I tried to achieve a better result.

Get started

Clone the github repository and install nodejs.

$ git clone https://github.com/prohetamine/radio-launcher.git
$ cd radio-launcher
$ npm install -g yarn
$ yarn

Examples and description

To launch the launcher, use the command.

$ yarn start

The launcher is firmly connected with radio-station and cannot work without it, log in using the data provided by the radio-station.


The login details can be changed, read the radio-station documentation.


This is the main and only menu, but so far there are no tracks and the broadcast will not begin.


We are on the air, dragging tracks from the "Tracks" and "Favorites" sections to the air forming a queue order.


You can change the appearance YouTube.

Run in development mode, all API methods can also be found in radio-station documentation.

$ yarn dev

Building a project is only necessary if you have exited developer mode.

$ yarn build


My Telegram: @prohetamine, channel

Email: prohetamine@gmail.com

Donat money: patreon

If you have any questions and/or suggestions, please email me in telegram, if you find any bugs also let me know, I will be very grateful.