
Api Proxy for Twitter search and status update API

Primary LanguageJava

Twitter API Proxy

API management gateway for Twitter search and trends API. The gateway provides simple user authentication with username and password, user activity is tracked once they log in. All the request sent by user, errors from twitter API and errors from Proxy are written in a database, you can query this database and analyse the gateway usage. Oauth is ued to connect to twitter.

What all can be done ?

  • Client can perform Twitter search with all parameters supported as with the official Twitter search API.
  • Client can get Twitter trends with all parameters supported as with the official Twitter trends API.
  • User can authenticate himself with proxy using username and password.
  • New users can be added to proxy.
  • Ratelimits can be imposed
  • IP addresses can be banned & unbanned.
  • Analytics can be obtained for proxy and user.

Running the proxy

Pull the source code and run file ClientOperations.java, the application by default listens on port 8080 and uses local sqlite database file to write searches and errors. Port can be changed in main method of ClientOperations.java and db configuration in dbfile.properties. Also you will need to configure your own twitter API Key, API secret, Access Token and Access Token secret in the TwitterOauth.java file.

Tools used

  • Eclipse
  • SQLite browser

Database and tables

The file name twitterdb in db folder is the SQLite database file to and from which the application writes and reads. The dbfile.properties is used for loading configuration to application.

  • checkaccess - for checking rate limit for user
  • errors - stores error sent by Twitter API
  • ipbanlist - list of IP addresses banned from accessing the proxy
  • proxyerrors - saved all errors sent by proxy
  • searches - saves all searches done by users (classified by "searchtype" general and trends)
  • users - consist user information (passwords are curretly stored in plain text -note: always use techniques like hashing and salt to store passwords.)

Pease refer Twitter API documentation to understand parameters and associated values

  1. Twitter search API documentation


  1. Twitter get trends by place


The Proxy supports all parameters mentioned in official documentation of respective API

Proxy user authentication


Proxy authentication is optional and by default turned off by method unAuthenticatedUsers() in ClientOperations.java file. You can force user authentication by changing return value true to false in this method. User activity can only be tracked once they log in ie. use above method of sending request.

Proxy search request

Sample search request

Proxy get trends request

Sample get trends request


The request and error data is being recorded in the database and analytics can be done in many ways, for demonsatration I have provided the following analytics for proxy

Proxy analytics

Returns the number of times the search proxy (general) and trends proxy has been accesed.

User analytics

Returns the proxy api name and number of times this user has accessed it.


Proxy utilities

#####Add new user to proxy


#####Ban or Unban IP address


Output and Twitter API Errors

  • All outputs are formatted in JSON. Both HEADERS and BODY from response sent by Twitter API are forwarded to the client.
  • If Twitter API responds with an error, its recorded in the database (table name - errors)and forwarded to the client.

Proxy errors

If the Proxy responds with an error, its recorded in the database (table name - proxyerrors) and sent to the client. List of proxy errors are as follows.


Twitter status update (AddOn and TODO)

I added this funtionaliy to check and demonstarte POST capabilities of the application. More work regarding this is in my todo list. For now tweet will be posted to the twitter handle of user who has created the twitter application for api and access token.

Sample status update request

Things I learned

  • Threading in Java
  • Sockets in Java
  • And obiviously managing projects with college finals :P


  • Love for programming
  • coffee