

This purely exist as a way to insert identifier data when a player joins a server. Strictly to provide compatability with NPWD for those who use menu based servers and don't want to add unnecessary frameworks to store identifiers.


While this is a simple resource, it does require a single depency as found below:

Setting Your Database

You're welcome to change the database name found within the pe-core.sql, but be sure to update your server.cfg too.

To maintian customability, the sv_config.lua contains configuration for database querries:

  • Database.identifierType
    • Default Value = 'license'
    • We recomend not changing this but you can use any of the following: steam, license, xbl, ip, discord and live.
  • Database.identifierColumn
    • Column where the identifier is stored. This is unique to each player.
  • Database.playerTable
    • Table where anything pertaining to the player is stored.

Note: If you change anything within the sv_config related to database information you'll need to adjust the pe-core.sql to reflect these changes.


  1. Ensure you have installed the dependencies correctly.
  2. Ensure you have a connection string listed within your server.cfg. If you don't you will need to add it to your server.cfg. It will look something like this with information changed:
set mysql_connection_string "mysql://root:12345@localhost/pe-core?charset=utf8mb4"
  1. Run the pe-core.sql

NPWD Integration

Alter your config.json to match the following:

  "general": {
    "useResourceIntegration": true,
    "toggleKey": "f1",
    "toggleCommand": "phone"
  "database": {
    "useIdentifierPrefix": true,
    "playerTable": "users",
    "identifierColumn": "identifier",
    "identifierType": "license",
    "profileQueries": true,
    "phoneNumberColumn": "phone_number"

Debug Mode

This strictly controls the prints you recieve within the server console. The level ranges from 0 to 3.

You can use it by doing:

Utils.Debug('error'--[[the debug class]], "hello"--[[message]])

Configuration is as followed:

  • Debug.debugLevel
    • Default value = 1
    • 0 = Disabled (Not Recomended)
    • 1 = Only errors
    • 2 = Errors and Success
    • 3 = Errors, Success and Informs (Everything)
  • Debug Classes:
    • "Error"
    • "Success"
    • "Inform"
  • Debug Colors:
    • "^0" = White
    • "^1" = Red
    • "^2" = Green
    • "^3" = Yellow
    • "4" = Blue
    • "^5" = Light Blue
    • "^6" = Purple
    • "^7" = Default
    • "^8" = Dark Red
    • "^9" = Dark Blue