## Renoir Edition 2021.10.16 Fixed a bug in the Spectrum Analyzer. ## Hiroshige Edition 2021.04.17 Included the code implemented by Tobias Dyballa. The changes improve the Spectrum Analyzer functionality: * The signal amplitude and horizontal scale can be either linear or logarithmic now. * The signal can be smoothed across frequency bands by changing the smoothing factor configuration parameter. * The FFT window function can be selected from three types: Hann, Hamming and Blackman. ## Goya Edition 2018.10.10 The first release of the Peppy ALSA Plugin. The plugin has the following functionality: * Sends VU Meter data to the named pipe. The default pipe name is **/home/pi/myfifo** * Sends Spectrum Analizer data to the named pipe. The default pipe name is **/home/pi/myfifosa** More details about the plugin can be found on the following wiki pages: https://github.com/project-owner/peppyalsa.doc/wiki