This repository contains all textures originally released with Milkdrop, plus a good number of other textures used in a large number of presets.
- 11ph22il
- Ahegao
- Ayamikhan
- barkpixelstexas
- beholder20
- blakeplusplus
- box-of-kittens
- Bug-Reaper
- ColdblackiceNYC
- DaWnReBoRnprivat
- DersonProductionsDerson Productions, LLC
- emopinata
- kommitBeijing
- Kyborg2011Ukraine, Kiev
- Loading617Dentsville, SC
- lostbox66@lainforo
- pklinef
- plushrib
- riverthemz
- s7uck@Microsoft @Windows @8
- SayaTheShoggoth
- thelastzino
- Zorziel