
A decompilation of Pikmin brought to you by fans of the series.

Primary LanguageAssemblyThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Pikmin 1

Pikmin 1 (USA Revision 1) disassembly/decompilation to C++/C


The ROM this repository builds can be shifted! Meaning you are able to now
add and remove code as you see fit, for modding or research purposes.


Shiftability is tentative and not fully verified. Use at your own discretion.

It builds the following DOL: pikmin.usa.1.dol: sha1: 02204260B7EFE8742D34572E58BA3DFECD92E4E9


Required Tools



    • Launch msys2 (provided by devkitPro) and run the following commands:
     pacman -S msys2-keyring
     pacman -S git python

    • Obtain a clean DOL of Pikmin 1 USA 1.01 and place it in the base working directory and rename it to baserom.dol.
  1. Download GC_WII_COMPILERS.zip from (https://files.decomp.dev/compilers_20230715.zip) and extract it to tools/mwcc_compiler/.
  2. Run the make command.

Project Organisation

  • For each namespace that types and functions are contained within, create a folder. E.g. the structure Game::GameSystem will go in include/Game/GameSystem.h.
  • The exception is only when adding extra folders becomes useless, for example having to add multiple folders that are empty, you can instead opt for creating a header file with the namespace's definitions inside.