- 1
Github CI tests failing with ruby 3.1
#124 opened by dkinzer - 3
Duplicate constraints rendering
#127 opened by ewlarson - 0
- 2
- 0
- 0
ActionView::Template::Error (No route matches...
#102 opened by cdmo - 1
- 0
Pivot facets not excluded
#99 opened by cdmo - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Non-string values in hash passed to ParsingNesting::Tree::Node.to_query() cause error if to_s of value contains a space
#88 opened by martinlovell - 3
undefined method `search_results' in BL-7
#84 opened by dkinzer - 0
Rubocop latest versions don't work
#75 opened by tampakis - 1
- 3
Two errors in custom merge
#55 opened by atz - 7
Discuss: Release plan
#15 opened by jrochkind - 2
issue with facets in advanced search page
#18 opened by gboushey - 1
TypeError in CatalogController#index
#52 opened by FernandoFavoretti - 1
Rescue from Parslet::ParseFailed?
#27 opened by jkeck - 2
release management
#37 opened by jrochkind - 2
- 0
Test suite uses anti-pattern
#57 opened by atz - 0
Rails deprecation warning on except!
#56 opened by atz - 0
- 0
- 0
Documentation error in README
#41 opened by cokernel - 1
#30 opened by Seaborg - 1
Facet partials specified in `CatalogController` are never rendered when advanced search is selected
#26 opened by mejackreed - 10
- 0
qt 'search' is used instead of 'select'
#22 opened by bcail - 6
- 0
wildcards ignored. Use edismax instead?
#11 opened by jcoyne - 4
Specifying :form_solr_parameters in config.advanced_search does not modify Solr request
#6 opened by thomasrussellmurphy - 1
Adding blacklight_advanced_search to Gemfile before installing blacklight ends badly.
#1 opened by cbeer - 1
Generator should print install directions if it cannot find application.css/js/etc to generate into
#2 opened by cbeer - 4
Miss use in solr cache
#9 opened by alonyado - 2
- 8
Utilizing Facet Specifications
#5 opened by thomasrussellmurphy - 13
- 0
Remove blacklight-jetty submodule and use the blacklight-provided generator (somehow)
#3 opened by cbeer