- 0
no route to host from all nodes to all services except to kubernetes service
#143 opened by UriZafrir - 1
- 0
IP masquerading issue in k8s cluster worker nodes
#141 opened by MohitBairagi - 0
pods are not communicating between nodes which are from different vlans (node 1 from vlan1 and node 2 from Vlan2)
#140 opened by vardhana1210 - 0
Network policy slows down traffic with canal
#139 opened by agvsap1 - 1
migration path from legacy iptables to nft?
#138 opened by harridu - 2
Canal didn't add blackhole route, why?
#137 opened by linyinli - 3
Canal/Calico problems on Fedora CoreOS
#136 opened by Jonas18175 - 3
vxlan_network.go:158] failed to add vxlanRoute ( -> invalid argument
#122 opened by slecrenski - 10
Canal policy for hostnetwork=true pods?
#80 opened by maikotz - 7
- 4
remove deprecated content from this repo
#124 opened by ozdanborne - 10
- 2
- 2
The --iface option could use better documentation
#123 opened by EdSchouten - 5
Canal on OpenShift
#86 opened by prasenforu - 1
- 1
Change original ip pool
#132 opened by Alphapage - 2
Can not change the calico node log level
#131 opened by hrj713 - 1
- 3
Kubernetes v1.11 Failed validation
#129 opened by miry - 2
kubectl-proxy doesn't work with netpols
#127 opened by george-angel - 1
Flannel Bare Metal pods fails!
#125 opened by lmyint55 - 6
kops update cluster networking to canal
#120 opened by mrefaatMagalix - 10
net-conf.json not mounted into node
#111 opened by felskrone - 5
- 4
Mention Minikube and podCIDR in the documentation
#101 opened by ceridwen - 4
Canal on GCE using CoreOS does not work
#107 opened by mattymo - 5
Remote node flannel failed to operate
#85 opened by moonek - 7
- 4
Deprecated: What Now?
#118 opened by Blfrg - 13
Canal Pods no longer starting after upgrading from Kubernetes 1.7.x to 1.8.x
#108 opened by awslovato - 2
how to install policy-only calico with an existing cni-less flannel on kubernetes?
#116 opened by clouduol - 0
Out of date info in the readme
#83 opened by tomdee - 2
Network for newly created pods fails
#110 opened by felskrone - 2
- 0
- 10
Calico network & on premises network fabric
#97 opened by prasenforu - 15
Network policy ingress from external ip
#87 opened by prasenforu - 0
- 0
- 1
post location of current canal.yaml in the file
#65 opened by sbezverk - 11
- 6
- 3
advanced-policy won't work
#70 opened by xeor - 2
NetworkPolicy doesn't block traffic
#78 opened by floriankammermann - 2
In canal.yaml file no etcd_endpoints: "....." ?!
#75 opened by ltgzs777 - 2
Migrate from etcd datastore to Kubernetes API
#71 opened by ccronca - 3
Second node using docker0 instead of canal
#68 opened by mellotron - 12