- 6
- 2
central way to define IPAllowPolicy
#6675 opened by shenshanyoumu - 4
How to customize envoy access log
#6676 opened by shenshanyoumu - 2
- 1
- 0
Cannot change globalExtAuth timeout
#6820 opened by kncesarini - 5
Add a separate label for envoy or contour
#6488 opened by yangyy93 - 0
- 13
Contour leader doesn't update endpoints in xDS cache after upstream pods recreation
#6743 opened by philimonoff - 6
Cost saving: Feature request to enable switch to toggle Envoy compression filter
#6511 opened by chaosbox - 2
Allow envoy StatsMatcher to be configurable
#6712 opened by davidgiga1993 - 4
Clarification on idle and idleConnection
#6612 opened by rahtr - 1
- 4
- 4
Allow external authorization for non-tls virtual hosts
#6657 opened by kncesarini - 3
- 0
The generation of zz_generated.deepcopy.go is broken
#6790 opened by tsaarni - 3
Support envoy "safe retry on reset" policy value
#6770 opened by geomacy - 1
- 2
Allow the configuration of ALPN negotiation when using Gateway API in TLS Terminate mode
#6685 opened by hbobenicio - 4
Can not disable Global External Authorization by default using authPolicy.disabled
#6617 opened by SamMHD - 1
Redirect to HTTPS not working when GlobalExtAuth is set
#6659 opened by SamMHD - 4
Improvement of OpenSSF Scorecard Score
#6615 opened by harshitasao - 1
Capability to change envoy histogram buckets
#6700 opened by themkarimi - 1
- 1
Contour crashes on startup when globalExtAuth extension service doesn't exist.
#6768 opened by xyzzyz - 3
- 1
Contour uses more than 5Gib and gets OOM killed
#6763 opened by netic-rkm - 3
Using special characters in Contour HTTPProxy
#6762 opened by Neekoy - 2
jwt verification skipped
#6760 opened by jayrlowe - 1
the ability to customize s
#6761 opened by f-alhajeri-nearpay - 0
- 0
Weekly trivy scan github action fails TOOMANYREQUESTS
#6752 opened by tsaarni - 3
Support for adaptive concurrency
#6587 opened by shuowpro - 2
Support regex with "?!" in HTTPProxy
#6746 opened by jadefr - 3
TCP service exposing , is it possible with contour?
#6646 opened by dimashenkov - 7
Add support for HTTP based external auth server
#6509 opened by rajivmordani - 1
Contour occasionally gets stuck in a non-ready state and fails to start the XDS server
#6613 opened by tsaarni - 2
External IP stuck <pending>
#6711 opened by C-L-STARK - 5
Support for Ed25519
#6713 opened by megla-tlanghorst - 2
How to use gatewayapi to route websocket services
#6678 opened by Bryce-huang - 3
- 4
JWKS Async Fetch
#6524 opened by aikoven - 2
status.loadBalancer field in Ingress-resource stays empty if more than one envoy service exists
#6679 opened by 3deep5me - 5
do we have cookie based routing for httpproxy?
#6510 opened by chatwithruben - 3
Service AppProtocol should allow IANA standard service names like "http", "https"
#6560 opened by kghost - 1
Allow External Auth when Fallback Certificate is used
#6512 opened by erikflores7 - 0
Support Circuit breakers for extension services
#6537 opened by clayton-gonsalves - 3
Gateway-API: InvalidCertificateRef error if is set to "core"
#6567 opened by kghost - 2