
A sample site extension that uses ASP.NET MVC

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Simple WebSite Extension

This demontrates how to write and deploy a simple website extension.

To build it and directly upload it to a site

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run build.cmd from the \FileCounterMVC directory. This will build and copy your application to the \artifacts directory.
  3. Upload extension to your website under D:\home\SiteExtensions\filecountermvc, using the Kudu Debug Console.
  4. Restart your site. You may use Portal to do so.
  5. You can now access this simple extension via <scm-url>/filecounter.

To build a nuget package that can be uploaded to the gallery

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Go to the FileCounterMVC directory
  3. Run build.cmd.
  4. Go to the ..\artifacts directory and run 'nuget pack FileCounterMVC.nuspec -outputdirectory ..\ -nopackageanalysis'
  5. This will create a nupkg file under the root of the repository