Auction Platform Website in React

Revolutionizing asset trading through blockchain-powered auctions and tokenization.

Intract with our website:-


Built using:

  • Front-end library: React
  • CSS framework: React-bootstrap
  • CSS animations library: Animate.css
  • Mantra Chain
  • rust

Description about the project: Our project is an RWA auction platform that facilitates the trading of collectibles (assets) using blockchain technology. Users can participate in auctions for listed collectibles, such as artwork or rare items, by placing bids within specified time frames. The auction process is governed by smart contracts written in Rust and deployed on the Mantra Chain blockchain, ensuring transparency and security. Bidders compete by placing bids that exceed the previous bid or meet the base price if it's the first bid. When the auction concludes, the last bidder within the bidding timeout period is deemed the winner. To redeem the won asset, the winning user submits the asset's unique ID, and the smart contract verifies and transfers ownership securely. Our platform leverages blockchain innovation to revolutionize the trading and ownership of real-world assets through decentralized and efficient auction mechanisms.

In the /Auctionator, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

You may also see any lint errors in the console.

"# Auctionator"