
mesa.visualization.chartmodule doesn't work

mikevlan opened this issue · 6 comments

As shown in the picture, I run the boltzmann_wealth_model in the mesa example, but the line chart is not displayed normally. Can anyone help me?
屏幕截图 2023-11-04 183542

I have tried it many times, ,all other charts can be displayed normally,except for chartmodule

rht commented

That's projectmesa/mesa-viz-tornado#26. A fix has been pushed to (this is one of Mesa's dependencies). It just hasn't been released on PyPI yet. If you install from the Git repo, it should solve your problem. cc: @tpike3

那是projectmesa/mesa-viz-tornado#26。修复程序已至 的依赖项之一)。只是还没有在 PyPI 上发布。如果您从 Git 存储库安装,它应该可以解决您的问题。抄送:@tpike3

Thank you for your reply. I downloaded the mesa-viz-tornado you mentioned. This solved the label problem, but the line color still cannot be displayed normally.

rht commented

Have you made sure to specify as Color instead of color?

Have you made sure to specify as Color instead of color?

I was so shocked. Today I reopened pycharm and everything showed normal. Anyway, thank you for your reply.

Now I can run any function of mesa normally, but my mesa shows "cannot find declaration to go to". I don't know if this is a bug or my mistake. Fortunately, the problem is solved.