
Fix error in failing flocking benchmark

EwoutH opened this issue · 0 comments

Our benchmarks are failing:

08:41:17 starting benchmarks.
08:41:35 Schelling      (small) timings: Init 0.00771 s; Run 0.0472 s
08:41:55 Schelling      (large) timings: Init 0.05062 s; Run 0.4629 s
08:42:01 WolfSheep      (small) timings: Init 0.00333 s; Run 0.0124 s
08:42:[15]( WolfSheep      (large) timings: Init 0.05334 s; Run 0.2206 s
  File "/home/runner/work/mesa/mesa/benchmarks/", line 62, in <module>
    results = run_experiments(model, config)
  File "/home/runner/work/mesa/mesa/benchmarks/", line 47, in run_experiments
    init_time, run_time = run_model(model_class, seed, config["parameters"])
  File "/home/runner/work/mesa/mesa/benchmarks/", line [21](, in run_model
    model = model_class(simulator=simulator, seed=seed, **parameters)
  File "/home/runner/work/mesa/mesa/benchmarks/Flocking/", line 139, in __init__
    boid = Boid(
TypeError: Boid.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pos'
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

Most likely something was changed in benchmarks/Flocking/ that needs to be fixed/reverted.