We wanted to create a web application that allows the user to plot their navex checkpoints on Google Maps instantly get a navigational data sheet (NDS). The NDS contains a list of points separated by 50m or 100m from one checkpoint to the next.
- Google Maps Javascript API - Used to generate map and checkpoints.
- ESPG.io - Used to convert coordinates from latlng to Kertau (RSO).
- Choose your training area from a dropdown menu.
- Choose either roadmap or satellite view for the map.
- Plot your checkpoints anywhere within Singapore.
- Edit your route by dragging checkpoints around, or deleting them.
- Manually enter and plot your own checkpoints in Kertau RSO coordinate format.
- Choose between 50m or 100m intervals between checkpoints.
- If you are unhappy with your route, you can clear the entire map.
- Click run to generate an NDS based on the checkpoints plotted on the map.
- In the NDS, checkpoints will be yellow colored while sub-checkpoints white.