
PAIcoin Development Proposal (PDP)

People wishing to submit PDPs, first should propose their idea or document to the Project PAI technical forum. After discussion, please open a PR. After copy-editing and acceptance, it will be published here.

We are fairly liberal with approving PDPs, and try not to be too involved in decision making on behalf of the community. The exception is in very rare cases of dispute resolution when a decision is contentious and cannot be agreed upon. In those cases, the conservative option will always be preferred.

Having a PDP here does not make it a formally accepted standard until its status becomes Final or Active.

Those proposing changes should consider that ultimately consent may rest with the consensus of the PAI Coin users.

Number Layer Title Owner Type Status
1 PDP Purpose, Process and Guidelines Patrick Gerzanics Process Proposal
2 Application PAI Data Sharing and Storage Alex Waters, Mark Harvilla, Patrick Gerzanics Informational Proposal