

This is a .NET Core background service that listens to a message broker, Azure Service Bus, for the JSON representation of this message and sends the message as an email using MailKit.Net.Smtp.

Quick Start

Build, Test, Develop

Before running - set the required environment variables found in AppSettings.cs. More info on settings environment variables for development here.

git clone
cd mailer/Mailer

# Install dependencies
dotnet restore

# Run tests
dotnet test

# Develop
dotnet run --project Mailer


# Build docker image, change namespace/image:tag name as needed
docker build --build-arg SERVICE_BUS_CONNECTION_STRING="provide_your_variable" --build-arg SERVICE_BUS_QUEUE_NAME="provide_your_variable" -t mailer:latest -f ci/Dockerfile .

Deploy built docker image to your hosting provider or run locally.