
Detailed explanation of how to build dspdfviewer and its dependencies, in particular poppler, under Windows

This gives an exhaustive manual of how to build dspdfviewer from almost scratch under Windows. This means that all third-party libraries need to be obtained as source code.


  • I compiled everything with Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019. This compiler complies with C++17, so there should be no issues in this regards. However, compilation will also work for older versions (even 2013 with adjustments). For the MSVC 2015, see an older version of this document.
  • The CMake build system is required and needs to be properly set up.
  • A diff program for inspecting the differences between files is highly recommended, for example WinMerge.
  • All of the builds are done in 32-bit mode. Some of the third-party software might not run in 64-bit mode, while others will do. Mixing is of course not possible, but if someone is interested only in a standalone library of some of the dependencies, the 64-bit mode may be tried.
  • The manual gives instructions for building Release mode only, but compiling in Debug mode will also work. See the previous version of this document that explicitly talks about Debug mode.
  • The build is performed in the static mode. This means that no DLLs are produced, but instead LIB files. Those files are compiler-specific - hence, if you don't want to build some of the libraries because you have found a pre-compiled version in the Internet, be sure that it targets exactly the same compiler version. Under Windows, there is also a problem related to runtime-libraries, namely the MD and MT mode. In general, dynamic libraries, should be compiled in the MD mode and static libraries in the MT mode. However, this is not enforced by the linker. If you have a source which uses a different compilation, you will in the best case get linker warnings about multiply-defined functions. All libraries here are build in the MT mode. This is not native to most of them. Therefore, some lines will need to be inserted into the CMakeLists.txt at appropriate positions, which ensure that they are compiled correctly:
      if(${var} MATCHES "/MD")
        string(REGEX REPLACE "/MD" "/MT" ${var} "${${var}}")
    This should ideally be placed within some if(MSVC) section. When these lines are inserted, the line endings should be conserved! More on this also in the next bullet.
  • The third-party libraries are not included in this repository, because I don't want to keep them updated, and perhaps also because of licensing issues. All of the following instructions contains a link to the original sources which at the time of this writing was valid. If it no longer is, just search for the library name. The subdirectories provided in this repository mimic the directory structure as it is supposed to be - apart from the version numbers, which will of course increase as time passes - in the end. The directories also contain files, mostly CMakeLists.txt, which serve as an illustration. You process should be as follows:
    • Clone this repository somewhere

    • Create a root folder where you wish to put all your dependencies to. If you use this manual for compiling dspdfviewer and do not just want to find an explanation for one of the third-party libraries, I recommend that you call this root folder ThirdParty and that you clone dspdfviewer such that its main folder is on the same level as ThirdParty.

    • While following this manual, download the dependencies into a subfolder of you root, which should be called something like [name]-[version].

    • If you are supposed to adjust something in a file, this is described in the manual. Run a diff between the file in this repository and the one you downloaded. Search for the adjustment that is described in the manual and merge it appropriately. For example, you can find recommendations where to put the MD > MT replacement. If you are asked to change it via the Visual Studio property page, it is under C/C++ > Code generation > Runtime library; remember to select the correct build environment and platform (all platforms is best, if you want to try the x64-version as well). Do not just copy the illustrative files from this repository unless the version is exactly the same as the one you downloaded!

    • When entering the given console commands, the current working directory is supposed to be the one you extracted the library to. Lots of lines given here are terminated with ^; this indicates a continued command in the Windows cmd. Hence, most of the times you can directly copy-and-paste the whole command-line block to the prompt. For this purpose, I use %cd:\=/% lots of times, which actually evaluates to the current absolute path - typically, you do not have to adjust anything in the command, regardless of absolute path you are really in; otherwise, you will be instructed to do so. (This is why it is important that you change the cwd before correctly!)

    • I usually say

      compile ALL_BUILD and INSTALL in Release mode

      This means that you should first switch to Release mode (because Debug is selected by default), then compile ALL_BUILD and INSTALL.

  • The paths which I give are either relative to the current library directory or, if they begin with compiled, to the compiled directory which is a subdirectory of your chosen root (i.e. on the same level as the library directory).

Third party libraries

  1. Boost This is the second largest library, compilation will take some time. This task may run in the background, the results are not required before the final compilation step.

    • bootstrap
      b2 variant=release link=static runtime-link=static
      We use the standard boost toolchain for the compilation.
    • The "installation" is done manually. Move (or better, create a junction) the stage/lib folder to compiled/boost. Create the folder compiled/boost/include and move the subdirectory boost into it.
  2. Build zlib

    • add the MD > MT replacement from the old CMakeLists.txt
    • mkdir build && cd build
      cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/zlib -A Win32 ..
    • open build/zlib.sln
    • compile ALL_BUILD and INSTALL in Release mode (note that both zlib and zlibstatic are built with MT)
    • delete compiled/zlib/lib/zlib.lib and remove the static suffix from the other
    • change compiled/zlib/include/zconf.h: change #define ZEXTERN (probably l. 379) to an empty define
  3. Build libpng

    • add the MD > MT replacement from the old CMakeLists.txt
    • mkdir build && cd build
      cmake ^
         -DZLIB_ROOT:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/zlib ^
         -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/libpng ^
         -A Win32 ^
    • open build/libpng.sln
    • compile ALL_BUILD and INSTALL in Release mode
  4. Build libjpeg-turbo

    optional, not needed: poppler will not work with libjpeg (or this replacement) and none of the following steps use this library anywhere. Therefore, this step can be skipped. However, if the problem described later on is someday fixed, that's how to build it. In principle, the following libraries can be configured to use libjpeg, therefore this would be the correct position for building. Requires nasm for the "turbo"!

    • mkdir build && cd build
      cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/libjpeg-turbo -A Win32 ..
    • open build/libjpeg-turbo.sln
    • compile ALL_BUILD and INSTALL in Release mode
  5. Build freetype

    • add the MD > MT replacement from the old CMakeLists.txt. Keep the Linux line endings!
    • mkdir build && cd build
      cmake ^
         -DZLIB_ROOT:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/zlib ^
         -DPNG_PNG_INCLUDE_DIR=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/libpng/include ^
         -DPNG_LIBRARY=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/libpng/lib/libpng16_static.lib ^
         -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/freetype ^
         -A Win32 ^
    • open build/freetype.sln
    • compile ALL_BUILD and INSTALL in Release mode
  6. Build XZ (LZMA)

    • open windows/vs2017/xz_win.sln (use the automatic upgrade)
    • build liblzma in Release_MT mode
    • move windows/ReleaseMT/Win32/liblzma.lib to compiled/lzma/lib/liblzma.lib
    • copy the content of src/liblzma/api to compiled/lzma/include
    • add #define LZMA_API_STATIC to compiled/lzma/include/lzma.h
  7. Build TIFF

    • add the MD > MT replacement from the old CMakeLists.txt.
    • cd build
      cmake ^
         -DZLIB_ROOT:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/zlib ^
         -Djpeg12:BOOL=OFF ^
         -Djbig:BOOL=OFF ^
         -Djpeg:BOOL=OFF ^
         -DLIBLZMA_INCLUDE_DIR=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/lzma/include ^
         -DLIBLZMA_LIBRARY=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/lzma/lib/liblzma.lib ^
         -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/tiff ^
         -A Win32 ^
    • open build/tiff.sln
    • compile ALL_BUILD and INSTALL in Release mode
  8. Build libiconv

    This is going to be bad, as the GNU projects still use the old configure/make mechanism instead of cmake. You can download the Visual Studio project folder and the patch file on GitHub. Now there are two ways:

    • You can find the libiconv.diff which essentially should do everything that configure does. If you want to take this path, first overwrite the source folder with the current libiconv (leaving old files present). Then apply the patch (GnuWin contains patch.exe) in the following way:
      • Convert all files that are about to be patched to Windows line endings, including the patch file itself (all better editors will have a function for this, a nice free one is Programmer's Notepad). patch will report any file which is not in the proper ending, or just fail with an assertion failure. The list of all files can be found right at the beginning of the patch file.
      • patch -i libiconv.diff
      • Some files used by the patch were based on the old versions - the ones that originally had a .in ending and should have been created via configure. Do a three-way-comparison with you diff program with the files config.h, iconv.h and localcharset.h (first: .in file of the GitHub archive; second: patched version of the GitHub archive; third: .in file of the most recent version). They are located in source/, source/include/, and source/lib/, respectively (the patch wrongly creates all of them in the current folder). Check which definitions have to be adapted and merge accordingly. This will take some time, especially for the config.h. The files in this repository is what I made out of the steps above for the version of the library indicated by the directory name.
    • Alternatively, if you have Cygwin, you can run configure by yourself. For this path, replace the source folder with the current libiconv (removing all previous files).
      • Keep in mind that you are in a cmd with the Visual Studio variables properly set. In this command line, now run Cygwin.
      • Go to the source/build-aux folder.
      • chmod a+x ar-lib compile
        cd ..
        ./configure --host=i686-w64-mingw32 \
              CC="cl -nologo" \
              CFLAGS="-MT" \
              CXX="cl -nologo" \
              CXXFLAGS="-MT" \
              CPPFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=$win32_target" \
              LD="link" \
              NM="dumpbin -symbols" \
              STRIP=":" \
              AR="<full path to source>/build-aux/ar-lib lib" \
        where you have to replace <full path to source> accordingly. This will create all necessary files.
      • Proceed as described below; the include path is not set up properly, so that the localcharset.h is not found. It is located in source/libcharset/include; adjust the two #includes and the project file accordingly.
    • open MSVC16/libiconv.sln
    • change libiconv_static build properties toand MT for both Release mode
    • compile libiconv_static in Release mode
    • copy source/include/iconv.h to compiled/libiconv/include/
    • copy MSVC16/Win32/lib/libiconv_a.lib to compiled/libiconv/lib
  9. Qt

    This step will take most time, as Qt is a huge library. It is best to use a separate cmd and let it continue in the background. Apart from Boost (whose compilation will probably still run in the background), all packages previously compiled are required, so this is the earliest point at which you can compile Qt. (Note that strictly speaking, you need none, but then Qt will duplicate functionality, and this may not only be redundant but in fact lead to problems, see #99.)

    • Download the online installer, then use it to download the Qt sources into ThirdParty/Qt.

    • The downloader will create a subdirectory <version>/Src/. You have to create <version>/build/ and <version>/install/ by yourself.

    • The working directory will be <version>/build.

    • As described on the Qt for Windows page, create an appropriate qt5vars.cmd script. Be sure to point to the correct version of Visual Studio (here, 2019 and x86). Also adjust the _ROOT variable appropriately. Then run this script.

    • Replace -MD with -MT in Src/qtbase/mkspecs/common/msvc-destkop.conf

    • ..\Src\configure ^
         -prefix %cd:\=/%/../../../compiled/qt5 ^
         -static ^
         -release ^
         -platform win32-msvc ^
         -nomake tools ^
         -nomake examples ^
         -nomake tests ^
         -silent ^
         ZLIB_PREFIX=%cd:\=/%/../../../compiled/zlib ^
         ICONV_PREFIX=%cd:\=/%/../../../compiled/libiconv ^
         FREETYPE_PREFIX=%cd:\=/%/../../../compiled/freetype ^
         LIBJPEG_PREFIX=%cd:\=/%/../../../compiled/libjpeg-turbo ^
         LIBPNG_PREFIX=%cd:\=/%/../../../compiled/libpng ^
      nmake install

      The first line configures Qt to build without tools, examples, and tests. You may also want to exclude other irrelevant parts of the library, but I didn't investigate which ones are required for poppler. It also specifies not to use the built-in libraries but the ones we built by ourselves - there's no need for Qt to duplicate parts that we need anyways.

      Note that the second command will take several hours. You may try to speed it up by giving the additional configure option -mp, which then makes use of all processors.

      After the installation, in case you compiled libjpeg-turbo, go to compiled/qt5/plugins/imageformats/qjpeg.prl and replace jpeg.lib by jpeg-static.lib (but not qjpeg.lib!). If you know how to instruct Qt to use the static linking beforehand, please tell me.

  10. Build expat (expat subdirectory)

    • mkdir build && cd build
      cmake ^
         -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/expat ^
         -A Win32 ^
    • open build/expat.sln
    • compile ALL_BUILD and INSTALL in Release mode
  11. Build LCMS2

    • open Projects/VC2017/lcms2.sln (use the automatic upgrade)
    • change lcms2_static build properties to MT for Release mode
    • build lcms2_static in Release mode
    • move Lib/MS/* to compiled/lcms2/lib
    • copy include folder to compiled/lcms2
  12. Build OpenJPEG

    • add the MD > MT replacement from the old CMakeLists.txt.
    • In order to compile the executables, the dependence on LZMA needs to be made explicit. Go to src/bin/jp2/CMakeLists.txt and add
      before the foreach loop and
      to the first target_link_libraries line within the loop.
    • mkdir build && cd build
      cmake ^
         -DZLIB_ROOT:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/zlib ^
         -DPNG_PNG_INCLUDE_DIR=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/libpng/include ^
         -DPNG_LIBRARY=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/libpng/lib/libpng16_static.lib ^
         -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/libpng/lib/libpng ^
         -DLCMS2_LIBRARY=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/lcms2/lib/lcms2_static.lib ^
         -DLCMS2_INCLUDE_DIR=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/lcms2/include ^
         -DTIFF_INCLUDE_DIR=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/tiff/include ^
         -DTIFF_LIBRARY=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/tiff/lib/tiff.lib ^
         -DLIBLZMA_INCLUDE_DIR=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/lzma/include ^
         -DLIBLZMA_LIBRARY=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/lzma/lib/liblzma.lib ^
         -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/openjpeg ^
         -A Win32 ^
    • open build/OPENJPEG.sln
    • compile ALL_BUILD and INSTALL in Release mode
  13. Build pixman

    • download the MSVC solution
    • create build folder and copy the files from projects/pixman/ to it
    • open build/pixman.vcxproj and build/pixman.vcxproj.filters with a text editor and remove the string ..\pixman\ from it (replace with empty string)
    • open build/pixman.vcxproj with a text editor. Change <RootNamespace> tag to <ProjectName>, remove <TargetPlatformVersion>.
    • open build/pixman.vcxproj (use the automatic upgrade)
    • change pixman build properties to MT for Release mode
    • compile pixman_[version] both in Release mode
    • copy pixman/pixman.h and pixman/pixman-version.h to compiled/pixman/include/
    • copy build/Release/pixman_[version].lib to compiled/pixman/lib/pixman-1.lib
  14. Build cairo

    • use the MSVC solution from pixman
    • copy the files from projects/cairo/ to build, projects/cairo/src/ to src
    • open build/cairo.vcxproj and build/cairo.vcxproj.filters with a text editor and remove the string ..\cairo\ from it. cairo-features.h is listed twice; neither is correct. Remove one, change the other to ..\src\cairo-features.h.
    • open build/cairo.vcxproj with a text editor. Change <RootNamespace> tag to <ProjectName>, remove <TargetPlatformVersion>.
    • open build/cairo.vcxproj
    • change cairo build properties to MT for Release mode, for all platforms
    • change cairo VC++ directories to point to the appropriate include in compiled (change src to ..\src; freetype needs to point to the freetype2-subdirectory)
    • compile cairo in Release mode
    • copy build/Release/cairo.lib to compiled/cairo/lib/
    • copy to compiled/cairo/include/cairo from src/:
      • cairo.h
      • cairo-deprecated.h
      • cairo-features.h
      • cairo-ft.h
      • cairo-pdf.h
      • cairo-ps.h
      • cairo-script.h
      • cairo-svg.h
      • cairo-version.h
      • cairo-win32.h
  15. Build curl

    CURL is not strictly required by poppler, but may be used if present.

    • cmake ^
         -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/curl ^
         -A Win32 ^
    • open build/CURL.sln
    • compile ALL_BUILD and INSTALL in Release mode
  16. Build poppler

    • Change some sources:
      • qt5/src/poppler-export.h remove all dllimport/export and keep only the empty defines
      • poppler/JPEG2000Stream.h before the first include, add
        #define OPJ_STATIC
      • CMakeLists.txt before target_link_libraries(poppler ...)
        set(poppler_LIBS ${poppler_LIBS} optimized "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../compiled/qt5/lib/qtpcre2.lib"
                                         optimized "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../compiled/qt5/lib/qtharfbuzz.lib"
                                         optimized "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../compiled/qt5/plugins/platforms/qwindows.lib"
                                         optimized "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../compiled/lzma/lib/liblzma.lib"
    • checkout the poppler test data to testdata
      git clone git://git.freedesktop.org/git/poppler/test
      (move so that the test subdirectory disappears)
    • note adding the MD > MT patch does not seem to work, therefore it is done manually on the command line.
    • mkdir build && cd build
      cmake -DBUILD_CPP_TESTS=OFF ^
         -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/boost/include ^
         -DCAIRO_INCLUDE_DIR:FILEPATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/cairo/include ^
         -DCAIRO_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/cairo/lib/cairo.lib ^
         -DFREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_freetype2:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/freetype/include/freetype2 ^
         -DFREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIR_ft2build:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/freetype/include/ ^
         -DFREETYPE_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/freetype/lib/freetype.lib ^
         -DLCMS2_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/lcms2/include ^
         -DLCMS2_LIBRARIES:FILEPATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/lcms2/lib/lcms2_static.lib ^
         -DPNG_PNG_INCLUDE_DIR=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/libpng/include ^
         -DPNG_LIBRARY=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/libpng/lib/libpng16_static.lib ^
         -DTIFF_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/tiff/include ^
         -DTIFF_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/tiff/lib/tiff.lib ^
         -DJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/libjpeg-turbo/include ^
         -DJPEG_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/libjpeg-turbo/lib/jpeg-static.lib ^
         -DOpenJPEG_DIR:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/openjpeg/lib/openjpeg-2.3 ^
         -DCURL_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/curl/include ^
         -DCURL_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/curl/lib/libcurl.lib ^
         -DZLIB_ROOT:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/zlib ^
         -DQt5Core_DIR:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5Core ^
         -DQt5Gui_DIR:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui ^
         -DQt5Test_DIR:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5Test ^
         -DQt5Widgets_DIR:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets ^
         -DQt5Xml_DIR:PATH=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5Xml ^
         -DPOPPLER_DATADIR:STRING=./share/poppler/ ^
         -DTESTDATADIR:STRING=%cd:\=/%/../testdata/ ^
         -DENABLE_LIBOPENJPEG:STRING=openjpeg2 ^
         -Wno-dev ^
         -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%cd:\=/%/../../compiled/poppler ^
         -A Win32 ^
    • open build/poppler.sln
    • compile ALL_BUILD and INSTALL in Release mode
  17. Use poppler-data

    Do not forget that the poppler encoding data are necessary for some encodings. Download them, but this is nothing to be compiled, they need to be provided with the application in the subdirectory share/poppler (so the four folders cidToUnicode, cMap, nameToUnicode and unicodeMap need to be in [exe folder]/share/poppler).


Finally, we are ready. The compiled-subdirectory now holds the precious libraries. Clone my dspdfviewer fork such that the dspdfviewer folder is located at the same level as the third-party folder. Go to the directory where you cloned my dspdfviewer fork. If this directory is at the same level as the third-party root directory which is named ThirdParty as I suggested above, nothing needs to be changed. Else, adjust cmake/external_libraries.cmake and cmake/filelists.cmake appropriately to contain the correct folders pointing to poppler and all the other libraries. After that, generate the projects (where probably the names of the Boost libraries need to be adjusted):

cmake ^
   -DBoostStaticLink:BOOL=ON ^
   -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=%cd:\=/%/../../ThirdParty/compiled/boost/include ^
   -DBoost_LIBRARY_DIR_RELEASE=%cd:\=/%/../../ThirdParty/compiled/boost/lib ^
   -DBoost_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIBRARY_RELEASE=%cd:\=/%/../../ThirdParty/compiled/boost/lib/libboost_program_options-vc142-mt-s-x32-1_72.lib ^
   -DBoost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_DEBUG=%cd:\=/%/../../ThirdParty/compiled/boost/lib/libboost_unit_test_framework-vc142-mt-s-x32-1_72.lib ^
   -DQt5Core_DIR=%cd:\=/%/../../ThirdParty/compiled/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5Core ^
   -DQt5Gui_DIR=%cd:\=/%/../../ThirdParty/compiled/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui ^
   -DQt5LinguistTools_DIR=%cd:\=/%/../../ThirdParty/compiled/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5LinguistTools ^
   -DQt5Widgets_DIR=%cd:\=/%/../../ThirdParty/compiled/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets ^
   -DQt5Xml_DIR=%cd:\=/%/../../ThirdParty/compiled/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5Xml ^
   -A Win32 ^

Open build/dspdfviewer.sln and compile ALL_BUILD in Release mode. The INSTALL project just copies the exe (which you can find in build\Release) and some files that are of little use under Windows to C:\Program Files (x86)\dspdfviewer. Neither the Qt translations files nor the poppler data files are provided with dspdfviewer and have to be downloaded manually; the setup that I provide in my Releases page contains all of them.

Compiling the help file

If you want to compile the documentation by yourself, you will need the HTML Help Workshop, which is quite an ancient piece of software that still works. Open the docs\Windows\Help.hhp from my dspdfviewer-fork and compile the help file using this tool.