Project name: native_messaging_host (NMH)

NOTE: The codebase is Windows-users oriented !


  • Set up the native messaging host on your local machine referring to specification that describes how to do that;
  • Load the extension on Chromium-based browser of choice, the extension can be found at ./nmh-extension--unpacked/;

Build your executable

Before running the command it assumes your current working directory is native_messaging_host on your active terminal (I use Git Bash for Windows), then simply
dart compile exe ./bin/main.dart -o ./bin/main.exe

Test the NMH

  1. Click on your extension icon pinned to your toolbar
  2. Open the extension service worker console and expect the following output as shown in Figure 1 below: Figure 1
  3. Build something incredible with Dart and JavaScript (Chrome Extensions), respecting the stdio limitations as described per the specification

Made with ♥ by projektorius96