
svelte-konva is svelte wrapper for konva.js

Primary LanguageSvelte

# Project name: svelte-konva

### Motivation

> Konva.js is Canvas API framework, which already has wrappers for React, Vue, but there is no (proper?) Svelte wrapper for Konva.js core . This is it ! Finally decided to write a minimum maintanable (live) Svelte wrapper for Konva : just like React, Vue, we can (& will) take advantage of Svelte for its simplicity, built-in state management with svelte/store, etc. 

> I am starting a project as a solo initially, but may accept any PR request upon guidelines provided (_see Contributing section below_)

### Prerequisite

> 1.1) Rollup installed globally for manual NPM LINKing: 

`npm install --global rollup` # refer to Installation section below

> 1.2) `npm i` (package.json) or `npm ci` to reproduce identical deps graph (package-lock.json)

> 1.3) `npm run dev:serv` to launch server on port as described in Webpack config.devServer.port

### References

- [Svelte.dev](https://svelte.dev/)
- [Rollupjs#installation](https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#installation)
- [Konva.js](https://konvajs.org/)


### Installation

> NOTE: since v1.1.0 we renounce usage of degit, instead follow [NPM LINKING RECIPE](https://github.com/projektorius96/svelte-konva/blob/svelte-konva/dist/svelte-konva-linked/README.md) 


### Development

> 1.1) `npm i` (package.json) or `npm ci` to reproduce identical deps graph (package-lock.json)

> 1.2) `npm run dev:serv`


### Milestones 

- keep expanding Konva.js features in **svelte-konva**


### Contributing

- [Contributing guidelines](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/GitHub-Contributing-to-a-Project)


Regards, <br>
Lukas Gaucas (projektorius96)