The project building framework for UXD-group
###Getting started###
To use the framework you need a task manager [Grunt] (http://gruntjs.com/) to be installed on your computer. Grunt and Grunt plugins are installed and managed via [npm] (https://www.npmjs.org/), the [Node.js] (http://nodejs.org/) package manager.
In order to get started, you need to install Grunt's command line interface (CLI) globally. (You may need to use sudo or run your command shell as Administrator to do this)
npm install -g grunt-cli
The job of the Grunt CLI is to run the version of Grunt which has been installed next to a Gruntfile
in the the project folder.
Also a package manager [Bower] (http://bower.io/) is requied. It's installed globally using npm:
npm install -g bower
Bower runs over [Git] (http://git-scm.com/), thus make sure that Git is installed too.
###Preparing a new project### To start building a new project, copy [uxd frontend] (https://github.com/prokhatskiy/uxd_frontend) repository files to your project’s folder. Change to the project's root directory at the command line and run
npm install
This will install the correct version of Grunt and the Grunt plugins listed as [devDependencies] (https://www.npmjs.org/doc/json.html#devDependencies) in the package.json
file. When you need to add Grunt plugins or other node modules to your project run
npm install <module> --save-dev
This will install <module>
locally as well as automatically add it to the devDependencies section in the package.json
To install all the packages, listed as dependencies in bower.json
bower install
The path for installation is set in .bowerrc
The Gruntfile.js
belongs in the project root directory next to the package.json
and is used to configure or define tasks and load Grunt plugins. At the command line run
Running grunt
at the command line will run the default tasks listed in Gruntfile
. When running grunt
command for the first time, the build
task creates a build
folder, where release project version will be located. Dev-version of the project is in the folder named sourse
####Assemble and Handlebars.js####
The most popular site generator for Grunt.js, [Assemble] (http://assemble.io/), is used in this framework. It allows to carve HTML code up into reusable fragments ([partials] (http://assemble.io/docs/options-partials.html)) and to use [layouts] (http://assemble.io/docs/options-layout.html) to wrap your pages with commonly used elements and content. Assemble uses [Handlebars.js] (http://handlebarsjs.com/) as a template system. Handlebars templates look like regular HTML, with embedded handlebars expressions. A handlebars expression is a {{
, some contents, followed by a }}
. In order to insert partials into your code you should use a symbol >
{{> file_name }}
There are two special directories in a sourse
folder – layout
and blocks
. You can store templates of reusable site fragments (such as buttons, inputs, logo etc.) in a blocks
directory. In a layout
directory there is a default_layout.hbs
file, where <DOCTYPE>
, <html>
tags and <head>
section of all pages are described. In this file you can also find a unique tag {{> body }}
, which links the template index.hbs
. Although layouts are optional, the {{> body }}
tag is required for content to be pulled into a layout. You should also save all templates of commonly used page structures or sections in a layout
Handlebars.js allows us to use data, stored in JSON files. To refer to a required variable you may use a simple path
or a nested path (with dot notation)
You can create new JSON files and save them in a data
folder (in the project root), which is set as target for all templates in Gruntfile
. Global variables are located in a config
[Stylus] (http://learnboost.github.io/stylus/) is used as a CSS-preprocessor. stylus
task in Gruntfile
initialize the conversation of two files main.styl
and block.styl
into CSS-files, which are then concatenated into the final file – styles.css
. All compiled CSS-files are stored in release-folder build/css
is located in the dev-folder sourse/css
and contains all general styles as well as imported layout, normalize and state styles.
is a file that picks together the code of all separate blocks (i.e. styles for partial templates). When creating a new partial you should first create appropriate folder with a handlebar template and a stylus file in it. Then it is necessary to add this file to a block.styl
@import 'folder_name/file_name';