- 1
Add conditions
#145 opened by prolic - 0
Add query type
#144 opened by prolic - 0
Generate psalm-annotations as well
#143 opened by prolic - 0
Add non-aggregate root events
#142 opened by prolic - 0
Parser cannot parse single Event / Command
#141 opened by prolic - 1
Problem with custom types
#139 opened by prolic - 2
Maximum function nesting level reached
#137 opened by unixslayer - 0
Remove unneeded imports
#135 opened by prolic - 1
Allow definitions without specifiying constructor
#49 opened by prolic - 2
Variable number of arguments are used in the constructor only when a data type contains single array only, but not when a data type contains 2 or more field
#80 opened by vroad - 30
use/import support
#57 opened by codeliner - 3
FPP File Watcher config for docker
#56 opened by codeliner - 2
Add JsonSchema deriving
#51 opened by prolic - 7
Add MinLength(x) deriving
#50 opened by prolic - 2
Wrong ternary operator in buildToArrayBody
#126 opened by markusmichel - 1
ToArray/FromArray do not support associative arrays
#120 opened by Adirelle - 1
What is the best way to handle value objects that need customization? (additional methods, etc)
#117 opened by simensen - 3
Referring to classes that otherwise exist but not generated does not appear to work
#115 opened by simensen - 11
- 1
Add existing interfaces
#112 opened by hoffigk - 7
When making a FromArray deriving shouldn't an enum use fromValue instead of fromName?
#100 opened by paales - 5
Wrong ternary operator in buildToArrayBody
#109 opened by JeroenVanLeusden - 2
Is the output configurable?
#110 opened by enumag - 1
Missing docblock
#107 opened by prolic - 9
add exception type
#55 opened by prolic - 0
Remove is_a
#104 opened by prolic - 2
- 0
Arrays in constructor raise errors on withMyArrayValue if the array is empty
#90 opened by ronnyhartenstein - 2
Add phpdoc for array return type
#96 opened by paales - 2
Help cleaning up docs?
#95 opened by darrylhein - 2
Error in function buildMethodBodyFromAggregateId incorrectly suggests fromArray could solve problem.
#93 opened by SimonPrins - 1
- 1
- 3
- 5
Depth Limitation?
#76 opened by lunetics - 0
Add default values
#83 opened by prolic - 0
Only using FromScalar breaks equals
#78 opened by lunetics - 3
Using php keywords breaks fpp
#64 opened by lunetics - 4
Code Formatting Issue FromArray -> Int
#73 opened by lunetics - 4
Equals on compound VO
#72 opened by lunetics - 2
- 2
- 2
Impossible to use existing marker on data
#66 opened by gquemener - 2
Impossible to use existing marker on marker
#65 opened by gquemener - 0
Add a marker keyword
#59 opened by gquemener - 5
Multiple optional list array types in object break
#47 opened by paales - 0
Allow conditions for scalar constructors
#48 opened by prolic - 2
- 1
- 3