three-dxf-loader is a cross platform DXF file loader for THREE.js. It takes URL of a DXF file as input and returns THREE.js mesh entities. It internally uses dxf-parser for parsing DXF file. This library works out of the box with cross platform react-native and react-three-fiber.
yarn add three-dxf-loader three
npm i three-dxf-loader three
import * as THREE from 'three';
import { FontLoader } from "three/examples/jsm/loaders/FontLoader";
import { DXFLoader } from 'three-dxf-loader';
const fontLoader = new FontLoader();
fontLoader.load("/fonts/helvetiker_regular.typeface.json", (font) => {
const loader = new DXFLoader();
loader.setFont(font); // set fonts
loader.setEnableLayer(true); // set EnableLayer
loader.setDefaultColor(0x000000); // set DefaultColor : Default color will be applied when no color found for the entity
loader.setConsumeUnits(true); // consume units coming from DXF and scale the model to 'meter'
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
onLoad = (data) => {
if (data?.entity) {
const onError = (error) => {
const onProgress = (xhr) => {
console.log( ( xhr.loaded / * 100 ) + '% loaded' );
loader.load(url, onLoad, onProgress, onError);
import * as THREE from 'three'
import { useLoader } from '@react-three/fiber'
import { DXFLoader } from 'three-dxf-loader'
function Scene() {
const data = useLoader(DXFLoader, url, (loader) => {
// loader.setFont(font); // set fonts
loader.setEnableLayer(true); // set EnableLayer
loader.setConsumeUnits(true); // consume units coming from DXF and scale the model to 'meter'
loader.setDefaultColor(0x000000); // set DefaultColor : Default color will be applied when no color found for the entity
return <primitive object={data?.entity} />
# First, compile three-dxf-loader
> yarn install
> yarn build
# then install the sample's dependencies
> cd sample
> yarn install
# go back to the root and run http-server to run the sample
> cd ..
> npm install -g http-server@0.9.0
> http-server .
# use `http-server -c-1 .` to prevent caching
After performing the steps above, you can see the example at You can use the DXF file included in the sample. NOTE: the latest version of http-server will go into a redirect loop if you exclude "/index.html" from the url.
- Header
- Most LW entities (lines, polylines, circles, polyfaces etc)
- Layers
- Some support for line types
- Simple Text
- Viewport
- Splines (Quadratic and Cubic)
- Ellipses
- 3DFace
Does not yet support:
- Attributes
- 3DSolids
- All types of Leaders
- MText
- other less common objects and entities.
- Upgrade from 3.* to 4.*
Replace following code
loader.load(url, (data) => {
const { entities } = data
// do something with entities
}, onProgress, onError);
loader.load(url, (data) => {
const { entity } = data
// do something with entity or entity.children
}, onProgress, onError);