The idea of this is to have a module (plugin) based AWS response tool.
python .\ --help
usage: [-h] [--module MODULE] [--listmodules] [--moduledetails]
[--dryrun DRYRUN]
[--instanceids INSTANCEIDS [INSTANCEIDS ...]]
[--sgids SGIDS [SGIDS ...]]
[--vpcids VPCIDS [VPCIDS ...]]
[--usernames USERNAMES [USERNAMES ...]]
[--accesskeyids ACCESSKEYIDS [ACCESSKEYIDS ...]]
[--values VALUES [VALUES ...]]
AWS Incident Response Kit (AIRK).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--module MODULE Specify the module (action) you want to run.
--listmodules Lists all of the available modules (actions).
--moduledetails Lists descriptions of the available modules.
--dryrun DRYRUN If you want to run a dryrun first before going live
with a module.
Instance ID(s).
--sgids SGIDS [SGIDS ...]
Security Group ID(s).
--vpcids VPCIDS [VPCIDS ...]
VPC ID(s).
--usernames USERNAMES [USERNAMES ...]
Access key(s) ID.
--values VALUES [VALUES ...]
These are values that are needed for modules to work
properly. This can be anything.
python .\ --listmodules
python .\ --moduledetails
Module: userlogins
Author: Patrick Olsen
Version: 0.1
Date: 2018-09-13
Description: Lists the user logins. Includes username, userid, created date and password last used date.
This is an example of running the userlogins module. The modules can be anything you create and then just pass them as --module <module_name>
Each module should have a .module description file as well. This gives information about the module.
I will develop more as time goes on. Feel free to add any you find interesting.
python .\ --module userlogins --dryrun False
"UserName": "dfir",
"UserId": "AID<snip>HKW",
"CreateDate": "2018-08-13T20:47:17+00:00",
"PasswordLastUsed": null
"UserName": "polsen",
"UserId": "AID<snip>KWUY",
"CreateDate": "2017-10-12T18:38:32+00:00",
"PasswordLastUsed": "2018-09-17T11:23:22+00:00"
It's possible to disable all of the access keys for one or more users using the disableaccesskeys module.
python .\ --module disableaccesskeys --usernames dfirtest polsen
"UserName": "dfirtest",
"AccessKeyId": "AK<snip>DQ",
"Result": "Successful"
"UserName": "dfirtest",
"AccessKeyId": "AK<snip>7A",
"Result": "Successful"
"UserName": "polsen",
"AccessKeyId": "AK<snip>CA",
"Result": "Successful"
"UserName": "polsen",
"AccessKeyId": "AK<snip>DQ",
"Result": "Successful"
Security Group Profiler. Enumerates instances, then enumerates the ENIs and returns From/To Ports and Protcols along with the allowed Cidr address ranges.
Needs more testing on a larger AWS environment. Only tested in my lab.
python .\ --module secgprofiler --dryrun False
"ENI": "eni-0c2<snip>b1fcc",
"InstID": "i-0c<snip>77216",
"PublicIP": "x.x.x.x",
"PrivateIP": "",
"SGId": "sg-0de<snip>f342ffc",
"FromPort": "80",
"Protocol": "tcp",
"ToPort": "80",
"CidrRanges": "[{'CidrIp': ''}]"
"ENI": "eni-0c2<snip>1b1fcc",
"InstID": "i-0ca<snip>77216",
"PublicIP": "x.x.x.x",
"PrivateIP": "",
"SGId": "sg-0de5<snip>ef342ffc",
"FromPort": "22",
"Protocol": "tcp",
"ToPort": "22",
"CidrRanges": "[{'CidrIp': 'x.x.x.x/32'}, {'CidrIp': 'x.x.x.x/32'}, {'CidrIp': ''}]"
"ENI": "eni-0c2<snip>1b1fcc",
"InstID": "i-0ca<snip>7216",
"PublicIP": "x.x.x.x",
"PrivateIP": "",
"SGId": "sg-0de<snip>f342ffc",
"FromPort": "443",
"Protocol": "tcp",
"ToPort": "443",
"CidrRanges": "[{'CidrIp': ''}]"
"ENI": "eni-0ce3<snip>2e6610",
"InstID": "i-02bb<snip>633b3",
"PublicIP": "x.x.x.x",
"PrivateIP": "",
"SGId": "sg-b9ddc1cb",
"FromPort": "443",
"Protocol": "All",
"ToPort": "443",
"CidrRanges": "[]"
"ENI": "eni-03<snip>0b7fa2",
"InstID": "i-02b<snip>633b3",
"PublicIP": "No Association",
"PrivateIP": "",
"SGId": "sg-b9ddc1cb",
"FromPort": "443",
"Protocol": "All",
"ToPort": "443",
"CidrRanges": "[]"