The official servers are available here at Nitrado!
This repository contains all override files for the CraftBlock-modpack and also the files for the SoManyCoolAndFunnyAdvancements-mod.
CraftBlock stands for Craft Attack 3 Skyblock and is an expert skyblock modpack like FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock. That means you will have to play through many different mods, there will be way harder recipes but - this one is important - it's not too grindy.
Please see below on how to install and use the modpack to play or to develop.
Some examples for the planed progression:
- Botania -> Astral Sorcery -> Embers
- Hearth Well + Tinkers Construct -> TC Smeltery
- Storage Drawers + OC + IE -> Refined Storage (without auto crafting) + OC Late Game -> Applied Energistics (with auto crafting)
- Immersive Engineering + Embers + OpenComputers -> Every other tech mod
- Unique Crops + Botania + Astral Sorcery -> Every other magic mod
To play the modpack just use CurseForge version: Alternatively, you can find the release zip files also in releases.
This can be installed using the CurseForge-Launcher (bad) or MultiMC (better).
In order to use the current version of the override files or to help in development, just clone and override the files in the modpack folder afterwards.
With Java installed on host
You can find a
in releases. Extract the zip file into an empty folder.
Execute the startserver
-script (.bat
on Windows / .sh
on Unix) to set everything up and start the server on your local machine. The script will ask you to accept the EULA of Mojang.
With Docker
(ensure to use the latest release in CF_SERVER_MOD
version: "3.9"
container_name: craftblock
image: itzg/minecraft-server:java8
stdin_open: true # docker run -i
tty: true # docker run -t
restart: unless-stopped
- "25565:25565"
- "./data:/data:rw"
- "/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro"
→ docker-compose up
More information on the server configuration inside Docker at
The modpack contains the following mods:
- Botania
- Astral Sorcery
- Unique Crops
- Tinkers' Construct
- Immersive Engineering
- Hearth Well
- Embers Rekindled
- OpenComputers
- Refined Storage
- Extended Crafting
- Storage Drawers
- Iron Chests
- OC Sensors
- Pam's HarvestCraft
- Pam's Cookables
- Cooking for Blockheads
- Quark
- BiblioCraft
- Waystones
- Akashic Tome
- Hats
- Hat Stand
- Morph-o-Tool
- GraveStone Mod
- Botania: Garden of Glass
- CraftTweaker
- ModTweaker
- ContentTweaker
- Dropt
- MoreTweaker
- KleeSlabs
- The One Probe
- BetterFps
- Blur
- Fast Leaf Decay
- FTB Library
- FTB Utilities
- Just Enough Items (JEI)
- Just Enough Resources (JER)
- Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC)
- More Overlays
- Mouse Tweaks
- ReAuth
- AppleSkin
- Controlling
- Ding
- Inventory Tweaks
- Initial Inventory
- SoManyCoolAndFunnyAdvancements
- Actually Additions
- AIOT Botania
- Ender IO
- AE2 Stuff
- Applied Energistics 2
- DecoCraft
- EvilCraft
- Extra Utilities, Angel Ring To Bauble
- Flux Networks
- Mekanism
- Mekanism Generators
- Mekanism Tools
- OpenBlocks
- Thaumcraft
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Wireless Crafting Terminal
- Extended Crafting
- Enviromental Tech
- Calculator
- Cyclic
- Ender Utilities
- Ender Storage
- Extreme Reactors
- Industrial Foregoing
- Mystical Agriculture
- Reliquary
- Roots
- Simply Jetpacks 2
- Solar Flux Reborn
- Tech Reborn
- Wizardry
- Deep Mob Learning
- Woot
- XNet
- OC Sensors
- BedrockCraft